T-SAW, who emailed Tim Blair:
I saw your post about the proposed celebration at the Bellevue on Friday and your attendance along with that of some other wingnuts. Well I thought in the interests of community spirit that I'd pass along the details to some mates who used to be, amongst other things, BLF members. They were very interested in it and intend on bringing a group to join in the festivities on Friday. They mentioned something about what those blokes did to the channel 7 cameraman is gonna look like a massage when their done.
Paul Deignan, who after getting banned from commenting on a blog is threatening to sue the blog owner for libel:
Ever been sued Wally? It goes on forever and it is no fun at all (except for me). And I'm going to enjoy spending a lot of money in attorney fees because I like lawyers. Remember, if I sue you, I sue your friend. It's a twofer.
What qualifies these two as wankers is the fact that their threats are so obviously pathetically empty ones. (Deignan hasn't even hired a lawyer.)
Having been banned from more sites than I've had hot dinners, a tiny part of me hopes Deignam wins. Perhaps I could then sue half of 'Blogdom' and be rich. Unfortunately, I have a sinking feeling that most bloggers are not worth threepence, so there goes another sure-fire plan to retire to the Caymans. Oh well...
(sigh). You know, if you're going to call someone a wanker, you might want to at least get the factsright; otherwise, you look a like a wan...well, you know.
Read your own quote above. "Wally" isn't the owner of the site. "Wally" is the professor who emailed Deignan's Ph.D. advisors to try and screw with Deignan's career. Deignan subsequently threatened to sue the owner about comments she made that he had tried to spoof(i.e., hack) her site. None of this was about him getting banned.
I didn't say that Deignan is suing for being banned -- I said that he was suing for **libel**. But, on Deignan's planet, the libellous comment was the one when she announced the ban. [Specifically](http://haloscan.com/comments/bitchphd/113089773762436266/#174980):
>I don't think Wally should contact Paul's department, I do think Paul is an ass, Paul's been banned from commenting on this forum (unless he starts spoofing ips again).
And no, she's not accusing him of hacking, just of changing IPs to avoid a ban.
This kind of thing is one of the hazards of blogging, unfortunately. From what I can see, "Wally" has behaved even worse than Deignam.