Another day at the office for Iain Murray

Brad Delong:

And Iain Murray makes me sorry I named John Derbyshire the Stupidest Man Alive:

The Corner on National Review Online: A meteorite hit a remote area of northern Norway yesterday. The explosive force of the impact was equivalent to that of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima. I wonder if they'll try to blame this on global warming?

Jonathan Chait:

Over at the Corner, Iain Murray is assuring readers that An Inconvenient Truth is really very dull. Oh, I'm sure it is--that's why Murray, a fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, is spearheading a massive p.r. blitz to counteract it. Because it's so dull that nobody is going to watch it. What an intelligent use of Exxon's resources.

Hilariously, Murray relies on the opinion of Stephen Colbert, who said the movie was "like watching paint explain global warming." Does Murray not realize that Colbert plays the character of an anti-intellectual right-wing loudmouth, and that what he says is parody? Or is Murray faithfully watching the "Colbert Report" every night, reveling in the way the show's anchor sticks it to liberals and espouses his own views?

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The naming of the "Stupidest Man Alive" is really an exercise without end.

I suppose it's like the "Jack La Lane Way" in that regard.