Andrew Dessler sent me a copy of his book The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change. So far I've read a couple of chapters and they've given a pretty good summary of the issues.
Dessler has also started a blog on Climate Change. In the latest entry we learn that the AEI is offering $10,000 for a "review and policy critique" of the 4AR.
Hat tip: John Fleck.
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Hi all
Where are we all? Trying to put the splinters of the hockey stick together?
Peter Bickle
Splinters? I thought it was [a cloud of sub-atomic particles expanding at light speed](
Or, as Dessler links to on his blog, focusing on the 'hockey stick' has nothing to do with the issue of current anthropogenic climate change. This point is agreed to by Mann, McKitrick, McIntyre, all the other M's in the field, and the rest of the actual scientists. If you want to fetishize the process to avoid dealing with science, then be prepared for reminders that you aren't dealing with current science and issues. In other news, how many glaciers are left in Glacier National Park, as compared to the 150 or so when it was founded?
Hi all Where are we all? Trying to put the splinters of the hockey stick together?
See, this is all the astroturfers have.
Nothing more than repeating made up sh*t. If they don't keep stroking their totem then they will fall silent.
Come on, Peter! You've go to do better! Even AEI won't pay $10,000 for that!