Uses of Blogs

John Quiggin reports on a new book containing scholarly articles on blogging.

One use I've found in teaching is to ditch my old clunky content management system and just use Wordpress to manage all the web content for my courses. Here's an example.


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a book is sooo 20th century

By Hans Erren (not verified) on 06 Aug 2006 #permalink

Tim: It looks like computer graphics has progressed from my day when we were working on hidden-line deletion algorithms. My first animation program consisted of a "wire-frame jeep" consisting of about 200 line segments that we would draw in color then go back over and re-draw in black to erase the line.

Humm, now that I think about it, it was about the same time as "Total Eclipse of the Heart". I won't speculate on any deeper meaning in that.

By John Cross (not verified) on 06 Aug 2006 #permalink

Ooh, that's neat -- now I want to create a blog for my courses. Are there good instructions somewhere on setting this up?

Tim, It looks very impressive. Can I ask:

Do you save on uni website?

How do you get graphics and maths into your tutorial assignment? Maybe this is easy with Wordpress but not for other blogging software.

WordPress has pretty good instructions for setting it up. The only thing that is tricky os that you need MySql support.

It's running off a CSE server.

The graphics just get put in like any other graphics on a blog -- I just have to upload the image to the server.

The maths uses a handy WordPress plugin called latexrender that lets you put snippets of LaTeX in your posts.