Hey, remember how I mentioned that there had been some issues with the commenting here? And how I suggested the utterly clunky fix of using a different browser to leave your comments?
We (i.e., our tech guru) think we know why that works and, even better, a less clunky way to achieve the desired result:
When ScienceBlogs came into the world not so long ago, the Universe may have experienced a little hiccup, wherein some bad ScienceBlog cookies may have been spewed forth.
Deleting all cookies your browser may have ingested from scienceblogs.com ought to clear up your commenting problems. From here on out? Nothing but good cookies. (Thin Mints hidden in the back of the freezer good.)
Thanks for your patience.
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I am so grateful!
NOTHING is better than thin mints from the back of the freezer!;-)
being a professional geek, the cookie problem is most likely browser related. IE may experience problems not evidenced in Firefiox or Netscape.
Well, let's see if it helps...