You like me, you really like me

I knew if I kept blogging long enough, I'd eventually win one of those awards.


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You're in good company, right there with The Menace from Morris.

It says you got the 'Best Australian Science Blog
'For exposure of numerous myths concerning DDT, climate change and Tim Blair.'

The (largely self-perpetuated) 'myth that Tim Blair knows what he's talking about'?

Not a good look Timbo : the whole idea of awards is creepy and the opposite of the search for real quality. Look at the number of hits Tim Blair gets, for example. If there were any way of objectively measuring most empty headed blog poseur Tim Blair would come out streets ahead.
Who the hell is Nexus 6 for starters, and by what authority has he been given the right to judge blogs. The whole idea is absurd.

By Bill O'Slatter (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink

As I said to Jen, enjoy the international accolades and acclaim that go with winning this most prestigious of awards. It should, of course, take pride of place on your CV.

Bill, I'm shocked by your post.

I should mention that in blog circles, the Nexus 6 awards are seen as the equivalent on a combined Oscars, Grammies and Logies. I spent many, many hours marking each and every blog in the ENTIRE blogosphere for style, content, editing etc.

Blair's blog was lagging behind that of arch-conservative Jesus' General until the editing section, where he is so incredibly good, I couldn't help but give the award to him. Nothing to do with popularity.

Hope it all makes sense now.

...and the sour grapes award goes to Bill O'Slatter!!!!

'It says you got the 'Best Australian Science Blog 'For exposure of numerous myths concerning DDT, climate change and Tim Blair.'
The (largely self-perpetuated) 'myth that Tim Blair knows what he's talking about'?'

No, the myth of the existence of Tim Blair. We are expected to believe this speculation, and base serious economic policy decisions on things he supposedly says, when there are many other more reasonable explanations for such word-spew. Further, it is well established that there have been many Tim Blairs throughout history, some even larger than what is currently propped up as a significant "Tim Blair".

If it's any consolation, I voted for you in the Whizbang contest, until PZ threatened to pose naked pictures of himself if he lost.