Happy New Year!

Don't pay any attention to the date stamp on this post. It's 2007 already here.

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During my summer blogging break, I thought I'd repost of few of my "greatest hits" from my old blog, just so you all wouldn't miss me so much. This one is from November 7, 2007. It generated quite a few interesting comments, so you might want to check back at the original post. My feeling on a…
There's been a bit of a kerfuffle in the SF blogosphere about what writers should be paid for short fiction, which has led to a lot of people posting lists of their short fiction and what they were paid for it (Scalzi has links to most of them). This naturally leads me to wonder what the analogous…
In the past few days, one of the best libloggers called it quits: She explicitly said there won't be any more posts on that blog. By itself, while it's noteworthy, I probably wouldn't post about it. The writer isn't going away, the archives aren't going away, and the circumstances may be unusual.…
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Well, so far I have to say that in the US, this year has so far been significantly cooler than the average temperature for the past century, so it's definitely clear that we are over the peak of global warming.