Riyadh Lafta makes it to Canada

DWE reports:

Dr. Lafta has now been allowed to visit Canada, where he is meeting with researchers from the University of Washington and Simon Fraser University. On Friday, he'll be participating in a live interactive webcast.

Dr. Riyadh Lafta
Al Mustansiriya University, Baghdad Iraq
"Death in Iraq"
Friday, July 20, 2007, 7:00 pm

Live interactive Webcast in Seattle:
UW School of Social Work, Room 305, 4101 15th Ave NE

In Person:
Wosk Center for Dialogue, 518 W. Hastings St. Vancouver BC, CANADA


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CBC radio's As It Hsppens had an interview with him yesterday (the 19th). Unfrotunately,it doesn't seem to have made it to the podcast.

Minor point, but you've misspelled his name. Or your source has. It might matter in google searches, or might not, since google provided the alternate spelling when I looked.

Main link to CBC listing here.

Audio available on the first 6 minutes of this.

Nothing particularly noteworthy. Some discussion of his latest work, funded by the Gates Foundation, on the increase in childhood cancers in Basra.

By David Kane (not verified) on 20 Jul 2007 #permalink