Rahmstorf on sea level rise

The Sydney Morning Herald reports:

Rises in sea levels caused by climate change are likely to be bigger than predicted and more dangerous, but scientists are reluctant to "stick their necks out" on the issue for fear of being labelled alarmist, a leading international expert is warning.

Stefan Rahmstorf, a lead scientific author of the recent United Nations report on climate change, has just published a new way of projecting sea-level rises caused by global warming. His method suggests much higher rises than those published by the UN panel this year, adding to concerns that the panel was too conservative in its last report.

"This isn't just my concern: there's a number of scientists who were not very happy with the impression given in the summary of the report that sea-level rise projections had dropped compared to the previous report," Professor Rahmstorf told the Herald when he arrived in Sydney.

More from Rahmstorf here.

Professor Rahmstorf said his latest work, using data from Dr Church, shows projections for sea-level rises ranging from 50 centimetres to 1.4 metres over this century. ...

Professor Rahmstorf will talk about his latest research on rising sea levels and climate change at the University of NSW tomorrow.

1pm, Tuesday 7th August, 2007, Room 4082, Red Centre..

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scientists are reluctant to "stick their necks out" on the issue for fear of being labelled alarmist

It's a sad day when science (and hence discourse and policy) is restricted/controlled by cranks, whackjobs and shills. I know it's not new, but it seems to me to be much more pervasive.

With the exception of Hansen, this is in accord with my reading of the situation.

It's a sad day when science (and hence discourse and policy) is restricted/controlled by cranks, whackjobs and shills.

Welcome to modern America. We live this every day.



Interesting, when the "consensus" of the IPCC won't "stick their necks out" and make frightening and unsupported predictions of cataclysmic sea level rise you AGW supporters turn on them as either cowards or toadies.

Is the IPCC a group of independent and responsible scientists or "cranks whack jobs and shills"? You can't have it both ways.

For someone who claims to be a scientist, Lance's brain seems to reside at the dull end of the spear...

Interesting, when the "consensus" of the IPCC won't "stick their necks out" and make frightening and unsupported predictions of cataclysmic sea level rise you AGW supporters turn on them as either cowards or toadies.

It doesn't follow that "sticking their necks out" would lead to frightening, much less unsupported, predictions.

In this case, not "sticking their necks out" means they left out estimates of increased sea rise (compared to the last report) due to uncertainty as to HOW MUCH MORE it would be, because the work is recent.

In other words, they were very conservative in the report.

The asshats on your side have ignored this, and have used the apples-to-oranges figure to incorrectly state that the IPCC is now predicting that sea level rise will be less than earlier predicted.

In other words, as usual, your side is lying.

And you fit right in.

Is the IPCC a group of independent and responsible scientists or "cranks whack jobs and shills"? You can't have it both ways.

They're responsible scientists working under the microscope, under tremendous pressure, particularly from the US, to present as conservative case as is consistent with the data.

I munged the link.


Here it is, working

It seems that Nils-Axel Mörner is also into dowsing and ley lines. How respectable is INQUA, because he seems to be pushing his connection to them for everything it's worth.