It's tough to shorten a post that's already shortened itself with the title above, but Tintin at Sadly, No! is equal to the task. And he fixed a video from Craig Idso as well.
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OK, I take back what I said earlier...
> For one thing, some "Web 2.0" techniques such as AJAX and Adobe Flash like to guzzle lots of CPU power, which means more CO2 emissions and thus more global warming.
...because the greenhouse emissions from Web 2.0 Flash videos are more than offset by the sheer amount of lulz that I can get from watching the videos.
Still, if Flash videos can be made to use less computational power, then things will be even better.
-- bi
We've got to be united to save earth! Earth Hour is practised at large scale in all developed and developing countries but there has been more publicity and awareness this year, as well as participation from large corporations like which is a good sign - that there is still hope and that people still care!
Let's all do this, no matter where you are! Saturday, 28 March 2009. Lights off from 8.30pm to 9.30pm!
Nature Concern
lets also walk to places when we want
Ah, and Nature Concern here proves that limiting population is the furthest things from the minds of the "global warming alarmists" behind "Earth Hour". Well - what else do you expect to happen when the lights go out early on a Saturday evening in the spring?
Flash, yes, your video card gets a working over.
However, AJAX and similar Javascript frameworks aren't necessarily CPU intensive (they're frequently used to do relatively trivial things), and can greatly reduce the need for client-server communication, which might involve transmitting a bunch of information via radio (wifi) and wires across the world where the work's then done by a server, and the bits shoved all the way back up the socket to your browser, which then renders a new page from the new bits. AJAX is also used to do client-server tasks, the result of which can be used to re-render bits of a page rather than require a new version of a page to be transmitted from server to client.
My guess is that AJAX can lead to a reduction of electricity consumption when it's used intelligently.
I like the comment:
"The staff of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change:
Craig D. Idso, Chairman
Sherwood B. Idso, President
Keith E. Idso, Vice President
Julene M. Idso, Operations Manager
Nothing like keeping it in the family!
There are many, many very "religious" "Christians" around here. See them all the time with their families and six kids and their SUVs with the little icons on the back window representing the whole faaaaamily. Walking around consuming profligately, idling their engines, driving to and fro, driving somewhere, eating processed foods...
Ahem. Anyway, Idso looks just like them, acts like them. The "Christians" will be Receiving this Spoken Word. Not you or your neighbor.
Those godless Green Nazis can take my penis out of my cold,dead hands!
Your hand? Don't you mean your wife's cold, dead vagina?
some "Web 2.0" techniques such as AJAX and Adobe Flash
I once answered a job advertisement that called for experience using Flash, AJAX, SOAP, and getting rid of bugs.
I got the job, which turned out to involve developing geospatial mapping software for the telecommunications industry.
I just hope they don't find out I'm only a cleaner.
Looks like cold fusion is back. Probably bunk, but can you imagine if it wasn't? No C02 problems. No Global Warming. No Cap'n'Trade. No none of that crap. Talk about a panacea for the world.
I hope it's true.
> AJAX is also used to do client-server tasks, the result of which can be used to re-render bits of a page rather than require a new version of a page to be transmitted from server to client.
> I just hope they don't find out I'm only a cleaner.
Ah... :-)
* * *
> Looks like cold fusion is back. Probably bunk, but can you imagine if it wasn't? [...] Talk about a panacea for the world.
It's Patriotic™, which is of course the most important property of any proposed alternative energy solution as far as wingnuts are concerned. Yes, I understand. If the world switches to solar or wind or some other type of energy that doesn't involve stuff going KA-BOOM!!! then The Terrorists Will Have Won.
>Looks like cold fusion is back. Probably bunk, but can you imagine if it wasn't? No C02 problems. No Global Warming. No Cap'n'Trade. No none of that crap. Talk about a panacea for the world.
Funnily enough, Cold Fusion is also an internet technology.
Was a Macromedia product, but now Adobe.
Cold Fusion Mark up Language (cfml).
If only 'real' cold fusion was as easy as using a few tags!
Maybe if the advert said AJAX, Flash, SOAP, getting rid of bugs and mastering Cold Fusion, Ezzthetic wouldn't have got the job??!
Dano writes:
This religious Christian has no kids, drives a 1999 Pontiac, and is very frugal indeed.
Actually bi, I don't care where it comes from. There is no ka-boom in cold fusion as far as I can tell, that's why it's "cold."
Cold fusion would be nice because it wouldn't clutter up the landscape and wildlife areas with giant ugly contraptions like wind and solar. Presumably it wouldn't kill raptors either.
Right on Ben!
We need to rid our selves of unsightly wind turbines.
The only thing more beautiful than a coal-fired power station is a nuclear power station......the smoke stacks and cooling towers glowing in the last rays of the setting sun.....pure poetry.
Michael...? What are you writing about? I'm talking nuclear fusion. Yes, in a small confined area you'll have, not a SMOKE STACK, but a water vapor outlet. Compared with acres upon acres upon acres upon acres of wind turbines producing barely a fraction of the energy we need, and fusion producing actual energy output that is sufficient in quantity for our needs. Darn tootin' I'll take the fusion.
And I'll have one perpetual motion machine to go.....gotta love those little beauties.
Anything, anything, but those ugly wind turbines and unsightly solar panels. Better the world is ravaged by climate change than have our landscapes visually polluted. I firmly believe that visual pollution is one of the greatest threats to our planet. It's a silent killer, stalking the land.
I might start a grass roots organisation to fight this insidious, but all too visible, menace. But I'll need a start-up grant. Anyone have any idea who might like to help me out?? Some community-minded organisation that has the future of the planet at heart.
BPL: "This religious Christian has no kids, drives a 1999 Pontiac, and is very frugal indeed."
So does this mean you'll be shunned?
Michael, you are acting like a complete and total tit. I know fusion, especially cold fusion, is wishful thinking, but it would still be great.
I never did claim "anything but those..." I only claimed that fusion is a desirable alternative. I know green folks all get massive erections from thinking about giant wind turbines and solar panels, but let go of the emotional fixation on those technologies for a moment.
All it means Gaz is that Dano and some of the other people who comment here often act like total dickheads.
Speaking of dickheads, take a close look at what Dano wrote. He said "Christians", in quotes, a common lexigraphical technique. Can you guess why he used quote marks, or do we need to spell it out for you?
(hint: he wasn't talking about science-accepting people like our own BPL).
> I only claimed that fusion is a desirable alternative. I know green folks all get massive erections from thinking about giant wind turbines and solar panels, but let go of the emotional fixation on those technologies for a moment.
Dude, you're projecting. It's not "emotional fixation" to focus on technologies that actually exist.
Now, I grant that cold fusion (if it works!) doesn't really go KA-BOOM!!! but no doubt it sounds similar enough to, well, stuff that does. And in any case, it's Patriotic⢠-- after all, it's Americanâ¢! And that's why you're so excited about it.
In contrast, wind turbines remind us of those backwater countries in Ãlde Europe like, I don't know, Holland? Hungaria? Slovenia? And I'm sure those those solar panels remind us of, um, Chinese characters? Not patriotic, not patriotic at all.
I understand.
> Perhaps the extreme case of embarrassment about cold fusion comes in the Iron Man movie. The fictional power unit for the armor is a tiny nuclear reactor generating an amazing 3 gigawatts (more than a large power station); and the crucial component Palladium scavenged from missile parts. It sounds exactly like what Pons and Fleishmann had in mind. But although it gets referred to casually as a possible future power source, the device is always referred to as an "Arc Reactor." Clearly, any mention of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, never mind cold fusion, would have audiences shaking their heads in disbelief.
> Cold Fusion: still too ridiculous for Marvel Comics. Scientists, take note.
Oh, and here's some wingnut commentary from the thread beneath the Wired article:
> Obamamerica elected a Marxist Arab American as their president because he made them feel good. It is immoral that fission isn't the primary source of electricity in the USA today. All you have to do is compare how many people die in the production maintenance and operation of a 2000 megawatt solar energy or wind turbine farm with a comparable commercial nuclear power plant, and you will wonder why anyone would propose such "green" foolishness.
(hint: he wasn't talking about science-accepting people like our own BPL)
I also put quotes around "religious". I suspect the times I see these people most often is on their gas-guzzling way to the "Capitalism and Jesus" workshops held in the side meeting room of the megachurch (sited on tax-free land). Or coming back from the "Investment Strategies in Ecclesiastes" lecture. I never seem to see them driving their gas-guzzling way back from a soup kitchen volunteering effort or streamside cleanup day.
These people all look the same and Idso looks and acts just like them. Is he acting to appeal to this crowd? Who knows.
Ben #22:
"All it means Gaz is that Dano and some of the
other people who comment here often act like
total dickheads."
Well I'm always up for some self-improvement, Ben.
How about an example of me acting like a total dickhead?
Actually, better make that several, to justify your use of the word "often".
Would such examples include the time I accused someone of acting like "complete and total tit" or becoming sexually aroused at the thought of various alternative forms of energy?
Oh, no, sorry, that was.. er.. someone else.
Dano still acts like a dickhead a lot of the time.
Yes it is emotional fixation. All I said was it'd be nice if we didn't have to have wind farms because they are ugly and have their own problems.
Gaz, haven't noticed you being a dickhead, no.
Often = Dano, who acts like the biggest tit on the planet, often.
And hey, I'm in the minority here, so by "discrimination theory" or whatever, I'm not capable of acting like a dickhead. That's for you guys in the majority who keep oppressing me. :-)
Glad we got that sorted out.
Yes, and I considered including that along with "Christian", but ...
Simplified, because simplified, the point is still that Ben's a dickhead.
Ben, you need to say "all I said in this ONE POST WHERE I WASN'T ACTING LIKE AN IGNORANT DICKHEAD".
No need to give us this false generalization to give the impression that you don't have a long history of acting like an RWingnut dickhead which might cause people to jump the gun on you from time to time.
The Idso family aren't even public-spirited fascist ideologues, it turns out.
The Western Fuels Association hired a bunch of flacks to fake up a "society" as a cutout for them - the Greening Earth Society. Who then hired the Idsos to create a fake institute, the "Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change" which is, in reality, a web site.
Much like the prestigious "Journal of Forecasting," elite "International Journal of Forecasting," the must-attend "International Symposium on Forecasting" and the Forecasting Methods corporation. All of which are ... a website. By a marketing professor.
Posted by: ben | March 26, 2009 9:32 PM
Funny. It hasn't stopped you from trying.
dhogaza, you've acted like the biggest dickhead on the planet at times. Pot, meet kettle.
lb, funny that it's a joke, that's what the smiley is for :P
The delicately nuanced irony of your smiley face enhanced joke is so exquisitely expressed, so deliciously entwined in complex patterns flowing from interpenetrating and recursively reinforcing levels of meanings and their negations, that in the sheer overwhelming magnificence of your wit, I totally forgot to laugh.
What does the term 'putz' mean to you? [smiley]...[/smiley]
I've never claimed otherwise. That's one major difference between honest folk like me, and libertarians and outright RWingnuts like you.
Oh, I'll admit being a dickhead too. Putz is some sort of putdown meaning something like "lame". Not sure exactly. It's kindof a lame putdown.
ben, I believe "putz" has more perjorative overtones than just lameness. I'm pretty sure there's a reference in it to "penis", but not in a good way, with gracenotes of stupidity bundled in.
Any lingusts out there, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.