Why can't you text 'shit' on your mobile

It's true. You can't. I tried it on a Nokia and it suggested 'shiv' (which, incidentally, is a shortened form of Shiva, a name that's in use in India). Watch below for a hilarious take on this. [via Language Log]

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By Watt de Fawke (not verified) on 04 Mar 2008 #permalink

That's fantastic.
On my phone, if you enter a naughty word manually, it will add it to the dictionary and work in the predictive function.


If al els fails you can allways typ in "$#!+" and phons wil ignor it completly. Or you can typ all your text messiges in LOLspeak and wathc your spelcheckr hav a nervus brekdown.

Spelchekers ar wurse htan usless. They'r a big pain in teh @$$. My phon dosen't hav one and I nevr us it on my cmputer.

(OK, back to real spelling......)

Spellcheckers can give hilarious results, like the time my church's secretary went to put an announcement in the bulletin about an upcoming fried chicken dinner. She spelled "chicken" wrong and wasn't paying terribly close attention to the spellchecker's suggestions, so she ended up with an announcement about a "fried children dinner." She never lived that one down.

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 11 Mar 2008 #permalink