IOPgate: IOP uses memory hole

BigCityLib catches the IOP using the memory hole.

William Connolley is not impressed:

What a bunch of slimy little toads: they pretend to believe in openness, they won't tell us who wrote their statements, then they silently airbrush out embarassing words afterwards.

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The first sentence is unclear. It sounds like IOP is the one using the memory hole.

Probably time to let the IoP lie for a bit and sort out whatever led to the statement going out in their own name.

They stuffed up and then made it worse with the silly openess / anonymity contradiction. But hey, if there're the reputable organisation they want to be they'll tidy up the mess in due course and give a proper, public explanation.

There's a slight risk that we're starting to behave like the deniers, getting too interested in apparent anomalies that don't mean anything.

Myself, I have way too much professional pride at stake to let this one slide - if criticism of the field in general by the IOP is warranted, they have a duty to their members (and science as a whole) to make sure the criticism is both measured and constructive. That dossier is neither. Let them mull over it by all means, but given that the document as it stands contains accusations based on factual errors (point 5 being the worst example), it should be withdrawn immediately pending revisions.

Tim, you gonna have another post about Connolley ignoring when NASA does the same thing IOP does?

ah ok; i was thinking of it the wrong way