Heartland Climate Conference comes to Sydney

Heartland already had one of their Climate Change conferences this year, but they are holding another one in Sydney on Friday October 1st and it's FREE.

Speakers and topics:

Chris de Freitas: Developments in Climate Science: Potential Drivers of Emissions Policy Beyond 2012

Robert Carter: The Reconstruction of Past Sea-Level Change: Policy Implications

Senator Cory Bernardi: The Political State of Play of Climate Change Policy in Australia

David Evans: Is the Western Climate Establishment Corrupt?

Alan Moran: Lower CO2 Levels: Costs, Benefits and Possibilities

Barun S. Mitra: How Domestic Politics cools Global Warming

Joanne Nova: Defeating the Witchdoctors of the Twenty-First Century and Why Global Warming Is About Power, Money, and Sex


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Joanne Codling (she adopted the name "Nova" to help her T.V. career) knows all about Power, Money and Sex. In her time at Questacon, she was very adept at getting her way by pointing her mammaries at whichever man was in power.

Are ya gunna try an debate wun of em aygain Timbo ?
We need some true debate.
You did well against Mockton earlier. But you didn't win.

By Billy Bob Hall (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

#56 sunspot... oh yes.... oh yes.... :-) It's all too funny to watch now. Especially after "prince Tim Flannery's" recent rants. :-)
And they try to say we don't understand empirical Science :-)
Keep up the good work.

By Billy Bob Hall (not verified) on 25 Sep 2010 #permalink

Jo Nova "... Why Global Warming Is About Power, Money, and Sex"

Sex? **Sex?**???

I knew there was stuff about insects and birds mating seasons, but this is terrific.

I need the Power, then the Money and then I'm eligible for the hanky panky. Is that how it works?

That'd be that there new-fangled shiny post-normal science-thingy, then.

By Andrew Dodds (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

Yeah Adelady,

I've had so much hanky panky out of this global warming lark like you wouldn't believe.

All I have to do is sidle up beside an attractive woman in a bar in a hot spot in, say, Sydney, London, Paris, Dapto, New York and looking casually at the scene around us while wearing my engineering anorak with pens in my shirt pocket I just have to mention the words, "Global Warming" and hey presto, before you know it I'm having my clothes torn off.


> I just have to mention the words, "Global Warming" and hey presto, before you know it I'm having my clothes torn off.

> True......!

> Posted by: Jeremy C

Which always naffs me off because it's HELL finding the pocket protector afterward...


I wish I'd said that!

I suppose all the major media outlets will be there.

hmmm...I wonder if Greg Combet turns up ?

It spoze they'll be talking bout' all the frozen dead fish and people in sth america, the frozen dead little baa lambs in New Zealand, the bumper crop of ice in Antarctica and the excellent Australian snow season.

And the manipulated temperature data !!

Yes sunny, I think it's a safe bet that all your best lies and distortions will get an airing. They might even have some effect on idiots who have a cavalier regard to evidence.
Or are you and your friend already booked in?

> and the excellent Australian snow season.

Normal human beings call this "snow season" winter.

Happens twice a year, though at 6 months apart between poles.

ianwowWahWah, didn't you that the snow season was meant to be a thing of the past, so was rain, its been pissin down.

The dreaded CO2 has gone on holiday with the sunspots.

Wait, wait wait... No talk by Fred Singer? What is the world coming to?

By Lars Karlsson (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

So looking forward to it in Sydney, 'cause I'll be in Murray Bridge SA which is a safe distance away.
Hope they find the smoking gun soon; all those expensive conferences must be a bitch to finance!

By Donald Oats (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

A new discussion topic for them should be "If we all came from monkeys then how come there's still sunspot activity?"

That would sum up the intellect of the climate denier community.

Hey....you all should stand out the front with the world is burning placards, in the unprecedented snow and ice just like at copenhagen.

Seriously, I think it would be a good idea to go because the listed speakers do represent a cross section of dispersal agents for the denialsphere. They might give a heads up for the next meme or an idea of what is currently exercising their ideological wands. Or people could just go so as to get to know a bit more how the enemies of reason think and express themselves.

I would have gone along to hear Ian Plimer speak about undersea volcanoes.

I'm so disappointed he won't be there.

I think I'll just stay at home and read my old battered copy of David Evans' iconoclastic doctoral dissertation.

You think at his age someone would have told Sunspot about "winter" by now.

> didn't you that the snow season was meant to be a thing of the past, so was rain, its been pissin down.

see the alarmist drivel coming from spots and the denialosphere?

Hah! These idiots think that snow was meant to be a thing of the past!!!

More hilariously than that, they think RAIN is SNOW!!!!!

I'd believe their case if they weren't all so alarmist.

John, spots is a kid. Look at his writing.

Conference subtitle is "Australian Coal: Slightly Offsetting While Still Enabling the Universal Chinese Trade Deficit"

By Doug Bostrom (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

Oh drat, we've been found out. Oh well, it's not like it's been a secret. Ever since Arrhenius predicted that an increase of atmospheric C02 would lead to an increase of prom dates, nerdy scientists have promoted AGW as a means of getting laid. But now, unsatisfied with simple missionary gratification, we're promoting Catastrophic AGW in hopes that it will lead to Catastrophic Sex.

> Look at his writing.

He doesn't so much write as cut-and-paste.

By Lotharsson (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

>"Is the Western Climate Establishment Corrupt?"

Oh the arrogance. 'The West' has the power therefore others don't matter, if we point out the West estab. is corrupt, we bring the whole system down.

>Joanne Nova: "Defeating the Witchdoctors of the Twenty-First Century and Why Global Warming Is About Power, Money, and Sex"

The language reveals all.
No interest in science, just 'defeating' your opponent, thus eliminating that horrible science stuff from the political equation.


Chris de Freitas: Emissions POLICY Beyond 2012

Robert Carter: POLICY Implications

Senator Cory Bernardi: The POLITICAL State of Play of Climate Change POLICY in Australia

David Evans: Is the Western Climate ESTABLISHMENT Corrupt?

Alan Moran: Lower CO2 Levels: COSTS, BENEFITS and Possibilities

Barun S. Mitra: How Domestic POLITICS cools Global Warming

Joanne Nova: Defeating the Witchdoctors of the Twenty-First Century and Why Global Warming Is About POWER, MONEY, and SEX


Erm, no science.


didn't you that the snow season was meant to be a thing of the past

He's probably dumb enough to think someone said it would never snow again.

By Chris O'Neill (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

OK, I had better tell my wife about this AGW being about more sex! I now sure do hope that SATs go up exponentially...

Jo Nova is an absolute card, scientifically inept (she just does not understand the tropospheric hot spot, for example), and lastly but not least very angry. And yet people like sunspot boy take her seriously.....

By MapleLeaf (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

> You think at his age someone would have told Sunspot about "winter" by now.

it's the Aussies' fault. their winter is always 6 months late, so it's no wonder that people get confused.

Yes, look it is funny - the speakers are funny, their topics are funny. Trouble is it will be treated by ALL the Australian media as if it is a serious conference by serious people raising serious doubts. That is it will be given exact equivalence with any other "scientific" conference. We might get, in the interests of balance, somebody who will say something not too positive about the continuation of global warming, but the speakers will be interviewed, their main points reported, they will be promoted on talk back radio ("see, we told you global warming wasn't real"), featured with front page photos in the major daily newspapers. The point will be made that this is an international conference, gracing Australia with its presence.

In short, this conference will achieve its objectives, thanks to the enabling media.

So we need to ensure that a whole heap of people are ready when the media calls on them for their "balancing" view. Kloppers is always media-ready - that'd be good to watch, and so is Bob Brown. Who else?

Another heads up: Bob Carter is launching his new book "The Counter-Consensus".

IPA is facilitating and hosting events in Melbourne and Sydney:


*"The counter-consensus to quasi-scientific hype and induced panic on climate change is at last assembling. Climate: the Counter Consensus examines, with thoroughness and impartial expertise, the so-called facts of global warming that are churned out and unquestioningly accepted, while the scientific and media establishments stifle or deride any legitimate expression of an opposing view..."*

In short, it is the "there is no consensus" argument. Wonder if the Oregon Petition will get a nod in his book? No doubt a roll call of the usual suspects.

Rodney Hide, NZ politician will launch the book.

Looks like a busy month for the IPA and the denial movement.

By Watchingtheden… (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

@ adelady post 1



Climate science is just like rock-n-roll. All those groupies that flock to the field.

Seriously, Nova seems to becoming obsessed with witchcraft and sex. The tone of her blog and posts are becoming *even* shriller.

By Watchingtheden… (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

Jo Nova's sex talk should be enthralling. I think you folks down under should attend.

You see, we're not going to lick the skeptics unless we listen and learn to penetrate their thought process. These theories, though they may be fake, deserve at least a probing if not a thorough examination. We must hold strong and firm and defeat their arguments with the thrust of truth, even if it takes all night. Just don't be misled by premature expectations or the whole thing might collapse before the ultimate climax is reached.

> ...she just does not understand the tropospheric hot spot, for example.

Indeed. And her own blog post about how it doesn't exist **shows a hotspot** (somewhat disguised, I admit - she compares graphs that use the same colours but mean different things by them).

And last time I checked, she still had that post up - after I pointed this all out to to her on one of the ABC forums.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed, at least on this subject.

By Lotharsson (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

>*we're not going to lick the skeptics unless we listen and learn to penetrate their thought process.*

We've got some caged [down in the lab](http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid/2010/05/brent_thread.php#comment-2815467). The findings from these observation are that they use circular arguemnts to avoid the propoderence of evidence with the outcome that they adhere to preconceieved beliefs.

You may as well 'lick' a Cane toad.

Promotional models.
Skeptical science booklet.

This is all.

> We've got some caged down in the lab.

There have been [others](http://scienceblogs.com/deltoid/2010/04/tim_curtin_thread_now_a_live_s…) too, and more if you look.

> The findings from these observation are that they use circular arguemnts to avoid the propoderence of evidence with the outcome that they adhere to preconceieved beliefs.

And that they can't see - or quickly forget - any evidence to the contrary.

And that they do a kind of cyclical Gish Gallop, returning to the first (and previously debunked) argument when they run out of new ones to try on.

And they shift goalposts, float red herrings, beat up strawmen, cite pseudo-authorities and reject competent authorities, exclude the middle, misinterpet evidence, apply illogic whilst claiming it is logical, extrapolate beyond reason (often from the local to the global, or the short term to the long), avoid the topic, play amateur psychoanalyst-at-a-distance (badly), attempt emotional and rhetorical manipulation, claim it's merely "religous" belief, and pretend that politics is science-based (when they agree with the political position) and is not motivated by science (when they disagree with it).

I'm sure I've left out another couple of paragraphs...

By Lotharsson (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink


I don't suppose you had Brent in mind when writing this, did you?

> I don't suppose you had Brent in mind when writing this, did you?


My link was a hint that I may not have had merely one person in mind - most of the persistent hardcore denialists operate via a similar set of mechanisms...

By Lotharsson (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

As Loth indicates, Brent is not unique, in recent month you could count numerous posters employing that tactics described, such as: Tim Curtin, Warren, Betula, Dave Andrews, Girm@, Passing Wind, Devils Advocate, George (AKA CO2 is not evil), Kent, Cohenite, Ray. And you can add range of flit-in-flit-out posters Tom Fuller, Steve Mosher.

Too true.

I'd give Brent and TC points for persistence though. Their ability to ignore all those times their argument's been shown to be wrong, and whip it out again like a good goldfish is astounding.

You forgot Nahsif. Hah!!!

@ Boris 37

*"You see, we're not going to lick the skeptics unless we listen and learn to penetrate their thought process... Just don't be misled by premature expectations or the whole thing might collapse before the ultimate climax is reached."*

OMG, it's Climaxgate!

By Watchingtheden… (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

> You forgot Nahsif.

Ah, yes, the pioneer of the Nahle Logic(tm) - whereby the correctness of your arithmetic (after you fix the basic errors that are pointed out to you) means you never have to admit that you totally bollocksed up the application thereof to the real world.

By Lotharsson (not verified) on 23 Sep 2010 #permalink

> we're not going to lick the skeptics unless we listen and learn to penetrate their thought process.

On the bright side, if it doesn't work, we're screwed...

>"The counter-consensus to quasi-scientific hype and induced panic on climate change is at last assembling. Climate: the Counter Consensus examines, with thoroughness and impartial expertise, the so-called facts of global warming that are churned out and unquestioningly accepted, while the scientific and media establishments stifle or deride any legitimate expression of an opposing view..."

Oh the whining continues. These people aren't being stopped from saying what they want to say, hence they are expressing themselves legitimately and should stop whining. However there is no requirement for any scientist or government or individual to except their views as being true. Science is not democratic!
A photon does what it does, there is no vote about what it does.

I thought people like Bob Carter and Jo Nova declared that there is no consensus in science but now Bob Carter is also talking about consensus albeit a counter consensus?

Am I misunderstanding something here?

Actually, there is already a counter consensus, it runs something like:

'There is no global warming or not very much, it's all caused by the sun anyway if there is any which there isn't. All climate scientists are corrupted by the vast amounts of money they make out of the subject, unlike the skeptics who never got a penny from no oil company, no siree. This corruption of science is shown by how climate scientists disagree with one another, and refuse to let bad papers get published in top journals. And if there was any global warming, it'd be far too expensive to do anything about, it's much cheaper to spend hundreds of billions importing oil from countries that want to blow us up.'

I think there is a reasonable 'skeptic' consensus around the above, although they may word it a bit differently.

By Andrew Dodds (not verified) on 24 Sep 2010 #permalink

For your information the "Sex" component of the lovely Joanne Nova's talk is not a cheap trick to entice everyman, but a serious analysis of the holes in so-called climate "science". Joanne will reveal sensational plot flaws recently discovered in Pachauri's love novel that will surely force his resignation as IPCC chair. Also presented will be a trick to use in the bedroom to hide the decline as well as advice on just how to find that elusive hotspot.


Congratulations, that is exactly the way to write double entendre.

BTW Did anyone get to the conference and if so would they care to report back.

I was going to say something about it being over before it began but, well, it might have been taken the wrong way...

Oh, and sorry for the typo Jeremy.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 25 Sep 2010 #permalink

I smell fear in here

Bernard J,

Duh on my part.


Sunspot, its not fear you are smelling rather its anticipation of free entertainment on a Friday that doesn't involve having to listen to Alan Jones or see Tony Abbott's face on the TV.

I'm sorry you smell.
So, how are those global temperatures and that Arctic sea ice? What are crop future prices looking like? Has CO2 fertilization led to higher yields and lower prices in this world that we live in?
A group of talking heads talking policy and conspiracy fiction, there sure isn't any evidence fo science or reality impinging.

So, now that I have my dates right, did anyone from here get to the conference?

I did, but not till mid-afternoon. I suppose I should blog about it...

By Tim Lambert (not verified) on 01 Oct 2010 #permalink

TL said: "I suppose I should blog about it..."

Oh well, if you really must I suppose... ;)


When you walked into the Heartland conference did all noise cease for a few seconds/minutes and all eyes present swivel to follow you to your seat?

Just curious.

Whereas if I had walked into the conference somebody would've very kindly said to me, "sir, Anglicare is off in that direction".


Don't do that!

I nearly hit the keyboard as a I sprayed my tea.