Oreskes interview

Naomi Oreskes was interviewed on Radio National this morning.

(Hat tip: Tamino)

Her upcoming talks:

UNSW: Monday (this evening!)

UQ: Tuesday

Melbourne: Wednesday

Adelaide: Thursday

UWA: Monday 22nd

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Fran Kelly wasn't quite as annoying as usual, but she was considerably more interested in her own opinions than what Orestes had to say. I kept shouting at my radio for her (Kelly) to STFU.

Amusingly, Orestes predicted (in essence) that there'd be a demand for Bob Carter or someone to be given equal time within seconds of her own appearance. I'm sure that's happened, and we can probably look forward to it tomorrow morning.

Soooooooo can we all go to the Australian and demand equal time when a denier blabs across the pages of that organ?


Tamino reckons her 10 minutes on the ABC may be a "must hear". I thought Oreskes' talk at UNSW yesterday evening was excellent - I was wider awake after than I'd been before it. Her book sold out at the signing afterward. She's pretty impressive.

Due to a prior commitment I will not be able to go the Perth lecture which is really annoying.

Does anyone know if any of the lectures have been taped and the videos available?

By Stephen Gloor … (not verified) on 15 Nov 2010 #permalink

The Climate Show interviewed Naomi this afternoon via Skype, and we'll have the show up at HT before the end of the week. She gives good interview...

Apparently the talk in Melbourne tonight was recorded and will find its way online. It was a very good talk to a very large audience. A few hundred I'd say.

I went to her Melbourne talk last night. They ran out of chairs and people were standing (or sitting) at the back. Like Dan said, easily a couple of hundred with minnimum promotion. Impressive.

Oreskes pointed out that it took 50 years from when they should have regulated tobacco until they actually did. At that rate it will probably take the US until 2040 before they regulate emissions of CO2. That looks like the rate that is happening.

By Chris O'Neill (not verified) on 18 Nov 2010 #permalink

Where is Bob Carter on your ABC /
He is still 'banned' right ?

By Billy Bob Hall (not verified) on 18 Nov 2010 #permalink

To for the tip Stephan.
The link to past vids at http://www.climatescienceWA.org/ I found to good as well, tyvm.
And thanks for your articles on the ABC Drum/Unleashed - top reads - but my the comments mean there's an army of sockpuppets and deniers without employ but to hoover over anything the ABC puts up that's science.

Fred Singer offered to debate Richard Somerville and Naomi Oreskes in January in San Diego. Both declined. Oreskes said she didnât want to debate someone âwith a known record of promoting public misrepresentation of science.â

Richard Somerville works in La Jolla and claims that sea level is rising âat the high end of forecasts.â This in spite of the fact that the beach outside his office has shown little visible change in sea level over the last 140 years â as seen in the animation below.

The NOAA tide gauge in La Jolla shows no change over at least the last 25 years, and only a few inches difference in the last 80 years.

Perhaps what Oreskes meant to say was that she didnât want to debate someone âwith a known record of exposing public misrepresentation of science.â


Sunspot, you're being modest - as the graph shows, "a few inches" is actually about eight inches.

Eight inches is nothing to be scoffed at, I would have thought.

Sunspot, the graph shows the sea level is rising, just as climate science predicted would happen in the very early stages of the global warming that is only just getting under way.

Your cherry-pick of a blip up in 1925 is a very clear demonstration of your desire to deny this reality.

So is your Antarctic sea ice red herring.

Who are you trying to kid? I mean besides yourself.