Comment policy

I'm turning on moderation since the 9/11 truthers have shown up and desire to show me how they're not cranks by hijacking threads and linking their conspiracy sites.

Sorry about that. But I don't think it's a valuable use of time to argue with cranks. I also won't accept comments that are just drive-by trollings, or thread hijacks.

If my commenters want to take them on, that's fine, but I have a limited tolerance for futile endeavors.

After the weekend (Chris and I don't blog much on Saturday and Sunday) when I can monitor things more closely I'll take moderation off.

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Good idea. The 911 Truthers overun every thread on Huffington Post. When they are banned by handle, ISP and email they get a new email account, reconnect their modem and post the same links and cut & pastes ad nauseum. When they return they are buzzing that the government, Israel and the New World Order are working to stop them from speading "The Truth".

Great concept for a blog... thanks.

By SonOfaTRB (not verified) on 04 May 2007 #permalink

Just come up with the fucking-evidence you jerk.

How can you leftists live with yourselves having this gigantic movement bereft of evidence?
notiz=disemvoweled for abuse

These 911 conspiracy nuts are a special kind of crazy. All of the faulty reasoning and "evidence" aside, just how dumb does a person have to be to think that an administration that is as incompetent as the Bush administration could pull off something like that? Those guys are doing good just to dress themselves in the morning.

I rank 911 conspiracy nuts right up there with moon hoaxers. They are THAT dumb.

Oh, I've dealt with the 9/11 Truthers before back in December, when I wrote about some really loony 9/11 conspiracy theory stuff involving holograms and nearby projectors that cloaked missles with the images of planes. I got 224 comments on that post.

Hilariously, this stuff is so loony that the "sane" 9/11 Truthers were really quick to disavow it while at the same time doing their standard "jet fuel fires couldn't weaken steel enough to collapse the towers" crap.

The Bush administrations "incompetence" (e.g. getting half the world embroiled in a hopeless land-war in Asia) is just a cover for their ruthless _competence_ in allowing the alien/zionist enemy to take over the world via the UN.

"The Bush administrations "incompetence" (e.g. getting half the world embroiled in a hopeless land-war in Asia) is just a cover for their ruthless _competence_ in allowing the alien/zionist enemy to take over the world via the UN."

Behold, the power of ad hoc rationalization. In the world of paranoid conspiracy theories, there is no incompetence, only perfectly elaborate smokescreens.

here's a really crazey conspiracy theory. a man who can't fly a light plane makes a very difficult and pointless maneuver and crashes a 757 into the pentagon. for the first time in aviation history there is no wreakage.

By eric swan (not verified) on 08 May 2007 #permalink

So everyone on 395 that day was hallucinating? They all just imagined a plane flying into the Pentagon? I suppose Barbara Olson is in hiding somewhere and her husband, the solicitor general of the US is just lying about his dead wife? As is everyone else who had family on that plane?

If you really believe that you're defective. Get a life crank.