
I'm liveblogging and leaving an open thread...go to it.

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It seems like everybody with a blog has put up a live-blogging/ open comment thread about the election. I can't really type fast enough to compete in this sort of thing, and anyway, it seems cruel to leave foreigners and apolitical types out of the fun. So, for the benefit of those who can't vote…
It's been quiet here today for a good reason: I'm facing a bunch of deadlines, and I told myself I'd stay offline until I'd met them. I haven't met them quite yet, but I hate leaving the blog dead for a day…so I'm just offering this note of explanation, and setting this up as an open thread. Now I'…
PZ has been live-blogging the new "Evolve" series on the History Channel since it began a few weeks ago. This week's episode is on the evolution of jaws, and should be a good one. Alas, none of the Minions will be able to live-blog the program, but I will post an 'Evolve' open thread in time for…
BldgBlog has a great post featuring Noah Sheldon's photographs of the decaying, abandoned Biosphere 2. From BldgBlog: "The structure was billed as the first large habitat for humans that would live and breathe on its own, as cut off from the earth as a spaceship," the New York Times wrote back in…

sorry, it's at the link..