Look at This F*ing Teabagger UPDATED

Update: LaTFT!!1!

Maybe the teabaggers just need ridicule, Morans-style, says Gawker:

"Check out that fucking teabagger," writes in tipster Stefan, referencing "Look At This Fucking Hipster," the blog chronicling hipsters looking ridiculous. Unfortunately, while hipsters have to be sought out within the pseudo-bohemian enclaves of their respective parishes, people who can't have any kind of normal, rational discussion about politics--or even a rational, agenda-based protest--are easily found at protests like the one going on today in Washington D.C.

Best pic comes from DirtyPerz:


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lol ... its getting to the point where these signs are just in such excess that they're even losing their comedic effect. I'm just waiting for one of them to get the facts straight ... THEN we know theyre playing a joke on us!

By professorx619 (not verified) on 12 Sep 2009 #permalink

There's something fishy about that "Don't Steal From Medicare" sign. Notice how nicely it is aligned with the frame? And which teabagger is holding it?

Some of these knuckledraggers have indeed made that very argument, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least to see a photograph featuring one of them carrying just such a sign -- but this particular one looks like a Photoshop job to me. (Dang it).

Proper spelling and grammar is a dead giveaway and has multiple ways to read it (socialized medicine isn't on the table anyway).

By Possible plant… (not verified) on 14 Sep 2009 #permalink

Gee, I like this sites definition of denialism, but sadly it applies perfectly to anything Obama ever says, but instead you are predictably a bunch of self-congratulatory leftist intellectuals.

When the left protests (ACORN, SEIU anyone) in a thug-like manner you say nothing I'm sure, but when libertarians (not really the right) do, you ridicule them. Nice.

By John Galt (not verified) on 15 Sep 2009 #permalink

It doesn't matter whether this particular photo is real, that's exactly what slimy fundraisers are claiming. I know an elderly woman living quite well on three federal pensions (two survivor pensions from her late husband and Social Security) and, of course, she has Medicare. She sends money to people who are going to fight socialized medicine at the expense of her Medicare. It apparently does not occur to her that "socialized medicine" might well allow her own grandson, who hasn't found a job since graduation, to get medical care.

I am so tired of the Liberals accusing me of racism if I disagree with the President. So I have an answer to all that question who and what I am, and what I think.

My president is not Black, nor is he White, Yellow, Red or any other color. He is simply the President of our country. To disagree with the President does not make me a racist no more than agreeing with him makes me a liberal. The only thing it makes me is a American citizen exercising my Constitution right and duty to question my elected leaders if I Believe he is in error or misguided.

If former President Carter, the so~called main stream media and nut job actors are right about most Americans being racist and hate black people, how did Obama get elected? Call me want you want other than late to dinner. I do not care and will not be silenced by anyone as long as the Constitution is the law of the land. I might suggest that the liberals realize they are not the only ones in our country that have the right of Free Speech!!

I would love to know what "tipster" referred to.

Nightwolf: 1) I fail to see how President Carter's remarks infringe on your right to free speech. Slander, I can see, but it doesn't infringe on your right to free speech. First amendment gives you right to say what you want to say, not the right to be believed.
2) Liberals don't exactly march to the tune of President Carter, you know? I know plenty of people who oppose the president on certain issues who aren't racist. However, someone who automatically rejects the president's policies without even thinking may be racist. Or they may be ideologically blinded in another way (ie the government is always bad, liberals are always wrong...).

By nightshadequeen (not verified) on 22 Sep 2009 #permalink

I like this sites definition of denialism, but sadly it applies perfectly to anything Obama ever says, but instead you are predictably a bunch of self-congratulatory leftist intellectuals

Teh wowz. Project much, nightwolf?

'Cause you're the only person here to have mentioned racism on this thread.

@ John G. I distinctly remember NOT seeing a load of liberals calling for anyone's death with guns strapped to their legs. Ever seen the movie "Snatch?" To paraphrase: "You don't bring along a guy your size unless you're trying to make a statement without words."

Back to the topic at hand. Hilarious and I wouldn't put it past the teabaggers, but the sign is a little too... straight... and the wrinkles in the paper aren't picked up in the edges. So, photoshop. Shame, because I swear I've heard this argument at one of those screaming town halls.

It apparently does not occur to her that "socialized medicine" might well allow her own grandson, who hasn't found a job since graduation, to get medical care.

By john green (not verified) on 27 Sep 2009 #permalink

if you libs like taxes so much, you can pay mine. that way we'll all be tickled pink.


Teabaggers showing their true socialist colors, eh? So you're not against socialism, just against paying your fair share like the welfare queen you and your kind are.