Irony meters just exploded all over the world - Natural News has article on how to spot a scam guru

Mike Adams, HIV/AIDS denialist, anti-vaccine crusader, germ theory denialist, and most recently, promoter of a child-protective services vaccine/sex trade conspiracy, actually has a contributor-submitted article on how to spot a scam guru.

The advice in the article isn't terrible. Don't believe inflated claims. Don't believe people who say "anyone can do it" or create fake organizations to legitimize themselves. I just can't figure out what it's doing at Natural News. It also is missing some other signs you are being scammed by a false guru such as:

  1. You are at Natural News
  2. You are listening to Mike Adams
  3. You listen to people referred to as "gurus"

Any other ironies I'm missing here?

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One click got me from the article to this page:

[Mike Adams has] become a true master of personal health transformation by studying and applying natural healing secrets that can help virtually anyone prevent or even reverse the most devastating diseases known to modern medicine, from breast cancer and prostate cancer to diabetes, depression, heart disease, migraine headaches and much more.

That's 4 of the 6 criteria in one sentance.


By RTContracting (not verified) on 29 Feb 2012 #permalink