The annual Bio-Link summer fellows forum is coming

Every June, an incredible event takes place.

Biotechnology educators gather in Berkeley, California, from across the US, to discuss new trends in biotechnology education, learn from each other and share information about educating students for the biotechnology workforce.

There are tours of local biotech companies like Genentech and local research institutes like the cancer center at UCSF. New kits and techniques can be tried and practiced in hands-on workshops. And instructors get to practice new bioinformatics techniques like analyzing Next Generation DNA sequencing data or working with data from microarrays.

This year Bio-Link has 18 fellowships to attend the conference. The fellowships cover registration costs, accommodations and meals.

If you would like to be eligible for a fellowship, it's time to apply.

Information about the conference and a link to apply for a fellowship are available at

Open registration will begin next week.

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I saw your site, I got various information there. You know i felt very happy bcoz i got the same match to my profile.Does your company make antibodies ?if u have any idea on this ?

Stephen: Bio-Link isn't a company. It's a national Advanced Technology Education center funded by the National Science Foundation.

I guess I have some work to do to make it more clear from our website.

Hi Summer,

Are you a biotechnology instructor in the US?

The deadline for fellowship applications has passed for this year, but we do this every year, so keep tuned.

The technology developed for biological science is refer to the bio-tech. Education and research of this will result new technichques of health treatment.

By Education seminar (not verified) on 07 Jul 2010 #permalink