Partisan Hypocrisy Alert

President Bush has pardoned David McCall, a Plano, Texas businessman who pled guilty to bank fraud in 1996. He and 4 others pled guilty to creating a scheme to hide bad loans from bank regulators during the Savings and Loan scandals of the 80s and 90s.

Prediction #1: the Republicans who howled in self-righteous anger at Clinton's pardons as he left office in 2001 will come up with all sorts of reasons why this is totally different and nothing like that.

Prediction #2: the Democrats who defended Clinton on the pardons will be screaming bloody murder over this pardon as though it was the first time it ever happened.

As Mencken noted over half a century ago, both parties spend most of their time trying to convince us that the other party is corrupt and unfit to lead. And both succeed admirably in this task.


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