Total Scumbag Alert

Just to alert anyone who happens to come across another blog on this site, Patriot Edition, by a man named Billy Kess. Billy is a guy I've chatted with in a political chatroom for a while. I never liked him much. He's pretty much a braindead rightwinger. But I was nice enough to help him get his blog set up here on mblog. I wandered into that chatroom today for the first time in several days to find out that this guy sent out a fake news article to everyone in that room appearing to be from the Dallas/Ft. Worth paper and saying that another regular chatter in that room had been arrested for child molestation. It was a complete fake, the article said nothing of the sort. And this from a guy with a banner on his webpage that says "Spreading The Truth". Give me a break.

Now as far as I'm concerned, that pretty much makes Billy Kess the lowest piece of shit on the planet. You have to be one sick, twisted fuck to do that to someone over a political disagreement. Frankly, the world would be better off without such people. One can only hope that he'll fall down a sewer grate before he manages to reproduce.

Here's his e-mail address. Here's his discussion board. Go tell him what a total scumbag he is.

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scum is probably being nice ... and here i thought he was christian ... i suppose he thinks the 10 commandments are multiple choice .... there is one that says " thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor' .. maybe he should do a lil reading ...

Yeah, there's the irony. The guy rants endlessly about Christianity and was up in arms at removing the 10 commandments and he doesn't even follow them. And yes, it was too nice for him. I was being subtle and understated and showing restraint. :)

Just happened to stumble upon this page and this post, and am thoroughly disguisted. Proud to have posted on his message board. The word slander comes to mind, and I hope that he realizes the same.


Slander is the verbal form, libel is the written form.
Either way, it's only slander of libel if it isn't true.
The Blog above is actually generous in that it left out the part where about molesting two children at knifepoint, and the fact that the article included an actual photograph of the chatter that was victimized by Billy Kess.

Don't you just love it when "patriotic" "christians" show their true colors?

MB: slander is the spoken, or oral form. Both spoken and written are verbal, meaning they have to do with words.

By corticoid (not verified) on 09 Mar 2004 #permalink