
One of the best sources of information about Rev. Moon and the Unification Church is ex-Moonies - former members of the cult who have escaped and are brave enough to speak out about their experiences. One of those folks, K. Gordon Neufeld, has posted a couple of comments here and I urge all of you to visit his webpage and read his book.

Another excellent resource is Craig Maxim's webpage. Craig was a favored member of Moon's cult and spent a good deal of time with Moon himself at his mansions around the world. He puts the lie to George Stallings' claim on the radio yesterday that Moon had taken a vow of poverty. The man is a multi-billionaire with mansions all over the world, for crying out loud.

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Thanks, Ed, for putting up this link advertising my book. I only noticed it today because of my tendency to access blogs through a Google search, which usually brought me to a different entry. Unfortunately, by the way, Craig Maxim's web page appears to have been allowed to expire and it's my impression that Craig had decided not to continue with his once-ferocious internet war on Sun Myung Moon, probably due to exhaustion rather than a change of heart.