Proposal for a New Law

Here's how I'm gonna vote in November. I'm going to vote for the first candidate that says he'll support a new law allowing us to take comment spammers, email spammers and those who write popup ads for websites, and ritually disembowl them, behead them, and then parade their lifeless bodies through the streets while beating them with sticks wrapped in barbed wire.


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This seems a very moderate and humane proposal, since I have often had this very thought while on-line.

Now even Texas Holdem is spamming!

Now! Now! Temper! Temper! A little pissed off are we?

Mr Brayton,

On August third I read your quotation from Will Wilkenson. I took me forever to write a response (which may be unduly long) but if you're still interested in the topic, I put up my response on my "stickin' with the boring old template" blog site.

Uh-oh. You know, this proposal sounds exactly like something a Republican would endorse...and there's a certain Republican who is getting a wee bit desperate right now.

At this point, PZ, I'll even vote for Bush if he endorses this idea. I'm getting hit with over 50 spams a day in my comments and mblog has been as useless as a broken dick in getting it stopped. I'm ready to open fire on these assholes.

Damn Brayton, I bet you could run with that being your sole plank on your party platform and get full backing from some of the largest software, PC corporations in the world!

Brayton for President!

Mike Horn
Secretary of Disembowlment and Beheading

Mike Horn,

Good idea Mike, that would make me the First Lady, I could redecorate the White House and make it into a Bed and Breakfast!
Ed would love that!

What no hanging them first? And shouldn't that barbed wire first be heated to glowing red in a fire? You're too soft on them Ed.

You can pretty much control pop-ups via pop-up blockers, turning off javascript, or switching browsers. This would mean we would not have to disembowel them, maybe just put them in an Iraqi prison for a few years.

Email Spammers can be controlled using online webservices that help weed out obvious spam, and via ISP-hosted spam content readers/blockers. Thus, I'd send them to Guantanamo for a few months.

But comment spammers are the worst; they truly deserve to die a horribly slow death.

Buy Vi*gra/C#alis Cheep @

By anonymusrex (not verified) on 10 Aug 2004 #permalink

Dave S. is correct, these people really don't deserve such a "humane" punishment.

By Mark D. Fulwiler (not verified) on 10 Aug 2004 #permalink

Please add those SPYWARE jerks to the list. They should be tracked down, and have a modem manually inserted into their endomorphic, computer nerd bodies... any oriface will do.