Myrmecos goes home

After some consideration, I have decided to move Myrmecos back to its original location:

I apologize for making everyone change RSS feeds and bookmarks twice in recent months. What's worse, I can't promise that Myrmecos won't move again in the near future. Some intriguing offers have arrived in my inbox and I am thinking them over.

My sincere thanks to the various bloggers and support staff here at Scienceblogs for hosting me. I'd especially like to thank Erin Johnson, who brought me into the network and handled some of the difficult blog migration issues.

Don't read too much into this change of address. Scienceblogs is having a tough run at present, true, but the biggest impetus is simply that I liked blogging on the old platform more than the present one. And, I was never able to overcome the feeling that Scienceblogs and Myrmecos were not quite the right combination of network and blog.

I've been a regular Scienceblogs reader since the early days in 2006 and hope to remain so. Behind the scenes, significant changes are afoot on the part of both bloggers and management that make me optimistic Scienceblogs will pull through the current difficulties. I want them to succeed, but I also recognize that I do not need to be an active participant in that process.




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Having been one of the Sciblings who vociferously pleaded for your inclusion in the collective (after your stint at Photo Synthesis) and then left just before you joined, I'm happy to see you find where you want to be.

Being sufficiently lazy that I never got around to editing your old place out of my reader, I'm cool. :)

Alex, I am so glad to have known you for this short time at SB. You're photography is remarkable and since I didn't follow you before, I'll be sure to do so in my new place as I construct my new blogroll.

Be well, friend, and we will continue on sharing our love of science and the natural world with all who care to listen (and even those who don't!).

Tiny loss for scienceblogs. Unfortunately, several hundred billion tiny losses!!!!!! Oh no!!!!

From out here looking in (at your blog) you were very much a match and a nice addition, and your departure will be felt. But, as I'm blogging on my old platform these days as well, I see what you mean. It is easy to forget how the experience can be shaped by the context until you change contexts.

I'm very happy to have found you here on ScienceBlogs and will follow you back at WordPress.

By palaeodave (not verified) on 22 Jul 2010 #permalink

Thanks, all, for the comments and goodwill!

Once I get around to updating the old blogroll I've got heaps of Sciblings- past and present- to add in.

Well, no insult intended to Scienceblogs or Pepsi, but I was never very comfortable with the shift to a more politicized venue and I am happy to reset to the Wordpress address.