And a Third...

Jason Kuznicki has a fascinating post about the Rapture Index, a webpage that chronicles all the things they think might foretell of the coming of the rapture. The premillenialists in Christianity believe that Christians will be whisked away before the shit hits the fan in the end times. The funniest thing about it? It's not a parody. These people actually believe such nonsense. And Jason is right, it's really more of a measure of the political stress felt by the So Cons that has little to do with the bible or Christianity as such.

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For what it's worth I'm an evangelical Christian in the presbyterian and reformed tradition who likes to point, wherever I can, that the "rapture" as currently taught by folks like those who do the "rapture index" is a very new and novel view within Christendom. But alas, the historic views of the church to which I hold have been "Left Behind," by such folks.

Rapture believers, like creationists, exist to say retarded things for my amusement.

"William Dembski is the Isaac Newton of information theory, and since this is the Age of Information, that makes Dembski one of the most important thinkers of our time. His "law of conservation of information" represents a revolutionary breakthrough."

Rob Koons

Oh, please. Yes, the creator of this site believes what he is writing, but most conservative evangelicals, most premillenialists, and most fundamentalists (that I have known) laugh at such things as the "Rapture Index". Yes, they believe many wrong things, but comparing them to this guy is not going to win you many converts.