As much as I rail against the astonishing stupidity of many of the Worldnutdaily's writers, I've discovered a group even more dull: their readers. Wow, have you read some of the letters that WND publishes from their readers? Like this gem from one Bob Atkinson:
A more descriptive name for the ACLU, but keep the acronym, is Atheist, Communist and Liberals United. This name accurately describes who the ACLU is and what it represents. I've been using this name for about five years.
Boy, there's nuthin' funnier than coming up with alternative acronyms for ACLU, is there? American Communist Legal Union, American Christian Loathers Union - I've heard lots of them. It's every bit as clever and amusing as those Chevy drivin' rednecks who sit around thinking of clever acronyms for "FORD", like Fix Or Repair Daily. Comedic geniuses, each and every one of them. But here's Atkinson's best line:
There is nothing American about the ACLU. There is nothing civil about the ACLU. There is nothing liberating about the ACLU. But these agents of Satan are united (in union) in their purpose.
Now that's just wrong. I am not an agent of Satan. I used to be, but the benefits sucked and I quit.
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I like how he has "United" and right after that "(in union)", as if 'united' wasn't clear enough. I can picture him sitting there, writing his letter- "Hmmm... I've already used the word united, but methinks my point might still be unclear. Ah ha! I know, I'll define the word united by using a different congrugation of the word itself. Brillient. Take that you atheist pinko commie liberals!"
Well just look at the results of their poll on the Dover controversy: Less than 3% think that only evolution should be taught. Intelligent design and creationism ONLY got almost 4x as much as that. Of course, the biggest response is that the ACLU should "butt out".
Who speaketh ill of Our Ford?
Damn, beaten to the "union" remark. I was going to comment that he tried to define it so the masses that flock to the site don't send DoS attack to :D
Any 'news' site which features a Reagan-adoring, liberal-hating column by a 14-year-old home-schooled Okie, clearly just exists to amuse me.
Naw, there's nothing patriotic or American about protecting the Bill of Rights.
I especially like the ACLU's inter-evil non-aggression pact with the pagans and feminists and Lite beer drinkers that sufficiently angered God to the point that he decided to lift his big ass hand of American protection, thereby allowing the Towers to fall... according to Falwell and Robertson, of course.
[imagine a rainbow crapped by an NBC peacock and the bold letters "The More You Know"]
Explain to me again how ATHEISTS can be willing minions of satan?! o.0
If you think WorldNut is "out there," you oughta take a gander at the Web pages they host. Check out for some real gems!
Being Satans Agent is a horrible job that dude has far to many quirks and a God Complex . he only will eat the green M&M and he demands 150 brand new pair of Nikes each show and you have to lace each pair . he only works in teh hottest ass venues with NO A/c . what a prick he is
Not only do the benefits suck, but his commissioning program was terrible. 3.5% for the first year? Christ! I can make more than that selling life insurance!
I'm happy to be a member of the Evil Atheists Conspiracy sales team now. Not only do we get better insurance (it's a 90/10 PPO, not that HMO crap that Satan tried to foist off on us), but we also get 5.0% right off the bat! We also get 15 days vacation a year, and an annual ride in one of the EAC's Black Helicopters. Plus, the discounts on our official EAC Anti-Rapture Helmets are pretty good - and we all know how important proper protection is.
To nutbars like this guy, there is no contradiction in assuming everyone who disagrees with him in any way is part of a vast, cohesive conspiracy. In order to distinguish between, say, satanists, feminists and atheists, he'd actually have to read something about them that wasn't a product of his own set of ideologues. Reading about or listening to any such group is clearly pointless, from his point of view, because he already knows everything he needs to about them: they disagree and are therefore Evil.
If the benefits sucked, maybe you should have unionized.
I tried to sell my soul once, but couldn't get much for it. It seems to be a buyer's market.