Even the Nostalgia Was Better in the Old Days

Okay, it's official. I'm old. It doesn't seem possible that I'm old enough to be having a 20 year class reunion. Yikes.

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And I'm old enough (but not bright enough) to be your father...this makes me feel beyond ancient.

Mine's coming up this May.
To make things worse, my classmates include a famous Hollywood actor seen on TV last night; the EVP and President-in-Waiting of a multi-billion dollar home products corporation; several authors; and at least two multi-millionaire computer guys. In addition to feeling old, I feel inadequate.
My wife says I'm being stupid. Still....

I sometimes wonder how you gained so much wisdom in only 37 years.
I have learned more from you in the past 2 years than I learned in the 30 previous years.
I can hardly wait to see how brilliant I will be when I am 50 LOL