O'Connor Stepping Down, not Rehnquist?

Bill Kristol is making the case that Justice O'Connor will step down in the next week, not Chief Justice Rehnquist, and that Bush will nominate Gonzales to replace her. That would certainly be an interesting development.

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BTW, if this is true, this would be an interesting development.

I hope this is true.

From what I have been able to gather, he would make a fine Justice.

Gonzales? The guy who thought it would be okay (i.e., NOT a war crime) for the president to authorize torture? THAT guy would be a good justice?

By Ed Darrell (not verified) on 25 Jun 2005 #permalink

I don't put much stock in his pro torture opinions. It seems to me that the adminstration made the decision to do things that were contrary to the common interpretation of American and International Law. Needing a legal cover to avoid a charge of war crimes, Mr. Gonzlaes wrote interpretaions that would give that legal cover. He did so as a lawyer. The adminsistration could have hired any number of lawyers would gladly have done the same.