Education is the Devil's Tool!

From the "I ain't never had no need for book learnin'" department:

As for the pastor, after four days of listening to science experts dismantling the case for intelligent design, he was unimpressed.

"They're babblers," said the pastor, the Rev. Jim Grove, who leads a 40-member independent Baptist church outside of Dover. "The more Ph.D.'s you get, it seems like the further away from God you get."

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Presumably a "babbler" is someone who refutes your position and you have no idea how to respond.

This world would be so much better if only people were stupider.

I forget...Is this the same guy who said "We're under assualt by the educated and intellectual part of society?"

Book learnin' is so yesterday! Word talkin' is the new devil.

With my Ph.D. in chemistry, how far away from God am I exactly? Obviously the measurement has to be metric, but is it a kilometer? Two?

Metric!!! You're farther from Gawd than you realize, buddy-boy! God uses good ol' American measurements.

I used to listen to preachers on the radio in Tennessee - one very entertaining fellow went on at length that he thanked Gawd for his "iggerence! I'm as iggerent as a hawg! Thank Gawd-eh!"

That was 30 years ago. Never dreamed his ilk (slightly polished up) would wind up running the country.

Metric? BAH! look where it got NASA
" NASA lost a $125 million Mars orbiter because a Lockheed Martin engineering team used English units of measurement while the agency's team used the more conventional metric system for a key spacecraft operation .. ".

By grasshopper (not verified) on 03 Oct 2005 #permalink

This reminds me of a story I heard about a school board meeting where they were debating the addition of a foreign language requirement. During this, one of the parents got up and said "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for my child!"

Book learnin'? Who needs book learnin'!

rjw wrote:

This reminds me of a story I heard about a school board meeting where they were debating the addition of a foreign language requirement. During this, one of the parents got up and said "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for my child!"

According to Molly Ivins, that was actually said by a Texas state congressman in a debate on an English-only bill in that legislature.

A quick google search:

"If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it ought to be good enough for the children of Texas."
 Texas Governor Ma Ferguson, est. 1924. Quoted in All Pianos Have Keys, 1994

It's funny as heck. BTW, it's also confirmed from other sources.

Having lived in Texas for 9 years, why am I not surprised! I once had a kind old lady tell me that she didn't think I would be able to do anything useful with a Ph.D. in chemistry (that is, outside of getting further away from God).

As i hold one of those truly useless Ph.D.'s in philosophy the only good it can do obviously is to make me totally ignorant of gods and goddesses in any form.