As I'm sure you all noticed, this page has been unreachable for about the past 18 hours. My hosting service, IPowerWeb, apparently had a major hiccup. As you can also see, everything from Saturday forward has been erased. I'm trying to get through to tech support now to see if there is any hope of restoring the lost posts and comments. If not, they are lost forever. I have several new things to post, but I may hold off until I get through to tech support to make sure everything is working right again.
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Good thing it's just a Blog Hiccup, not another couple of Fundies that took a wrong turn from Kansas. Welcome Back!
I had noticed that. I would hope that you would put more effort into producing new posts than in worrying about old posts. There are only so many hours in the day.
BTW, hint: Compose offline (in, for example Windows notepad) Copy & paste. Delete notepad when it is obvious that the post is secure.
I wondering where some comments on this story are appearing???
Professor resigns after his views cause stir
Sunday, December 11, 2005
By JOHN MILBURN Associated Press Writer
TOPEKA, Kan. - A University of Kansas professor who drew criticism for e-mails he wrote deriding Christian fundamentalists over creationism has resigned as chairman of the Department of Religious Studies.
Paul Mirecki stepped aside on the recommendation of his colleagues, according to Barbara Romzek, interim dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Mirecki declined to comment about his decision, only saying he was still a member of the university faculty and planned to continue teaching.
Mirecki had planned to teach a course in the spring that examined creationism and intelligent design after the State Board of Education adopted science standards treating evolution as a flawed theory.
Originally called "Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationism and other Religious Mythologies," the course was canceled at Mirecki's request.
A recent e-mail from Mirecki to members of a student organization referred to religious conservatives as "fundies" and said a course describing intelligent design as mythology would be a "nice slap in their big fat face." Mirecki apologized for those comments.
Mirecki was treated at a Lawrence hospital last week for head injuries after he said he was beaten by two men on a country road. He said the men referred to the creationism course. Law enforcement officials were investigating.
Mirecki, who joined the university in 1989, is an expert in ancient Mediterranean cultures, languages and religions.