Robertson's Latest Apology

By the way, it almost goes without saying, but Pat Robertson is really, really sorry about something he said. Again. After spending several days having his underlings defend his idiotic comments about Ariel Sharon being struck down by God, and therefore losing his financial stake in the Israeli Disney World, he's really sorry. You know, like he was when he called for the assassination of Hugo Chavez. And when he agreed with Jerry Falwell in blaming gays and liberals for 9/11.

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Ed - I want Pat in the Dead Pool... I predict (I mean, I had a vision from God) that sometime this year God will have had enough of this blowhard, realize his mistake, and send him straight to hell. Verily, the Ways of The Lord are mysterious, and seldom good to us mortals, but it's about time.

And here i thought Sharon had a stroke because he's old and overweight. Robertson appears to have parkinson's so i guess god gives diseases to people he likes also.

Yes, for people God likes a disease is a *trial*, for those He doesn't it is a punishment.

Yeah, he's really sorry, just like Jack Abramoff is really, really sorry that he got caught in a big scandal.