James Taylor Honored

Oh, how I wish I could have been in LA last night to see James Taylor honored by MusiCares. Bruce Springsteen, Sheryl Crow, Sting, Paul Simon and many others told stories about him and sang his songs in a show that I hope will be televised at some point, or perhaps released on DVD. I am a huge James Taylor fan, to the point where I've often called myself a Jameshead. I have seen him many times in concert, all but once or twice with my best friend Rick and his wife, who are also big fans. It's a ritual for us, when he comes around on tour we simply have to go.

I took my brother to see JT a few years ago and I could tell that he was kind of ambivalent about it. He kinda liked some of his music, but didn't think he'd really be very good in concert. He walked away a real fan. If you ever get a chance to see him perform live, I strongly recommend it. No matter how big the arena, he somehow manages to make it feel like an intimate club. You've probably heard the term comfort food before - I think James Taylor does comfort music. It just feels comfortable and familiar, like an old college sweatshirt.

I love all kinds of music. Depending on my mood, you may find me listening to anything from Miles Davis to Rage Against the Machine. But I always seem to return to James Taylor, particularly when I'm quiet. Even after all this time, it still speaks to me and evokes a feeling of calm and contentment.

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