Single Issue Blog?

Well, I've been nominated for a Koufax award, but bizarrely it's for best single issue blog. There's nothing like being nominated for an award by someone who clearly doesn't read my blog. I really hope no one votes for me.

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Well, not to put too fine a point on the matter, one could argue that the single issue involved is Ed's ego.....

Sorry. Couldn't resist. When they send a slow fat hanging curve right over the plate, it's hard to lay off it. And it is the Koufax award after all....

BTW, what is the Koufax award? I've never heard of it.

By flatlander100 (not verified) on 24 Feb 2006 #permalink

LOL flatlander. All blogs are exercises in the author's ego, I will plead guilty to that. The Koufax awards are awards for liberal blogs, so named because Koufax was a lefty.

The Koufax awards are awards for liberal blogs, so named because Koufax was a lefty.

Huh. Is "liberal" or "leftist" any more appropriate for this blog than "single issue"?

Liberal certainly is appropriate. Whether this concept of 'Liberal' can be considered 'lefty' is another question.

JY makes an excellent point. My limited understanding of the Kofax awards was that they were more oriented toward "lefty" than the traditional definition of liberal that JY references. Unfortunately "lefty" means different things to different people (so does liberal although it has a long history of a specific definition).

My take is that the Kofax has expanded somewhat to include ideologically "left" blogs along with more moderate/mainstream blogs that have a realist bent (and thus make them foes of the Bush Administration). Ed's blog more properly falls in the latter group.

Gretchen wrote:

Is "liberal" or "leftist" any more appropriate for this blog than "single issue"?

Only if one is stuck in that simplistic dichotomy where anyone who writes anything against anything self-proclaimed conservatives say must be a "liberal" and anyone who writes anything against anything self-proclaimed liberals say must be a "conservative". It's pretty shallow, label-driven thinking.

I believe I was responsible for that nomination. Looking at the other nominations I thought it would be appropriate (most of the blogs mentioned in that category actually cover a constellation of topics rather than a single one), and as I particularly enjoyed your series on the Dover ID trial I mentioned it in regards to your coverage of evolution matters. I thought that Kofax watchers would appreciate your blog, but perhaps that is shallow and label-driven thinking. I'll see if the nomination can be withdrawn.

By Lizzybeth (not verified) on 24 Feb 2006 #permalink


I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I didn't intend my comments to be insulting to whoever nominated me. I'm sure there are lots of people there who certainly would appreciate my blog, and I appreciate the opportunity for them to find it and read it. It just isn't a single issue blog, not by a long shot. During the Dover trial, I probably wrote primarily about that issue just because it was at the forefront of the news and because I was personally involved with it. But if anything, over the long run my blog is perhaps even a bit schizophrenic. One commenter who is really just interested in the science stuff complained not long ago that every time he came here he only saw me writing about "boring legal stuff", while others roll their eyes when I talk about sports, and still others come here only to read about legal stuff and couldn't care less about the rest. I think you're right that this is probably true of most of the other blogs as well, but not all of them. The Panda's Thumb truly is a single issue blog, as is Carl Zimmer's The Loom. But seriously, I do appreciate the attention and the kind words.

But of course this is a single issue blog! It says so right there at the top. You write about "the Interface of Science, Religion, Law, and Culture." Just the one thing.

So in other words, there should be a Mickey Mantle Award. For those poor souls that don't know, he was a switch hitter, for the Yankees and hit with power from BOTH sides. He also burned himself out partying too fast and too early, but that's another story.