Hear Me on the Radio Tonight

I'm going to be on tonight with the HIllbilly Atheist. For those who don't know him, the Hillbilly Atheist is a good ol' boy from Oklahoma who is extremely funny. He has a radio show on the Freethought Media network, which is owned by the Infidel Guy. To listen to the show, click here. On the right hand side an inch or two below the top are three links tha say "Listen At" and it has three speeds, 128K, 48K and 24K. You actually don't need the top speed for it to sound good. We go on the air at 8 pm eastern time.

You can see a profile of the Hillbilly Atheist here and you can download some of his earlier shows here.

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I listened. Some of it was funny, but it's my least favorite style of atheist humor and commentary. It reminded me a lot of Madeline Murray O'Hare's show which I watched exactly .5 times.

It makes me shiver with delight when Dawkins talks about the Old Testiment being "a deeply evil book," but this? I don't care for constant ridicule even if the objects of the ridicule really deserve it. It feels like ad hominem to me and I'd rather attack the argument, not the person. I'm stupidly idealistic enough to want to SAVE the person.

Yikes, I certainly don't like being compared to Madilyn Murray O'Hare, a woman I thoroughly despised. I don't mind ridicule when it's deserved, obviously; I mind the assumption that every Christian deserves such ridicule, which is not at all true.