"I don't know what people are afraid of with the 'gay agenda'. Let's face it, if you're not gay, you're not gonna be talked into it. Your heart can be swayed, your mind can be changed, but your dick...is incredibly stubborn."
Jon Stewart
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From his second post on the subject of Mary Cheney's name being brought up:
In many speeches on marriage rights, I cite Mary Cheney. Why? Because it exposes the rank hypocrisy of people like president Bush and Dick and Lynne Cheney who don't believe gays are anti-family demons but want to win the…
Over at The Island of Doubt, James Hrynyshyn (pronounced, no doubt, just like it's spelled) points to an article by Daniel Dennett in which he refuses to let a bad idea die:
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The Bottleneck Years
by H.E. Taylor
Chapter 52
Table of Contents
Chapter 54
Chapter 53
Carillon, March 8, 2057
When I got home that afternoon I discovered that one of my new students had surreptitiously video logged me. Edie met me at the door with, "I watched your whole lecture today."
I don't even know what to say. Darwin won. It was won, how to put this, how to put this, it was won a little more than handily. Particle didn't even score. Darwin won 142 to 0.
WF: [speaking to the camera, microphone in hand] Let me step into the press…
You'd think there was some substantial factual material lying around to actually back the claims of Christian right leaders on the alleged harm of gay marriage.
Oh sure, and this coming from a guy with a blog name of Troutfishing. Hummmm.
Trouser Trout I would guess.
Many religious fanatics seem to be obsessed with sex ... and they assume that everyone else is, too.
They also assume that heathens (e.g., evilutionists) are out to brainwash their children. They're sure of it because, after all, that's what they are trying to do to YOUR children. So it only stands to reason ....
They have to be obsessed with sex. Evolution has created in them a tremendous drip-drip-drip-drive they have to explain away, ignore, who knows how they handle it, but they can't get away from it.
Imagine, for a horrible moment, you're 18 and enrolled in the Pensacola Christian College, endowed with a sex drive two standard deviations above average! I mean, how blessed we are. These people carry around their own personal little Hell.
Speak of the...ahem..devil.
I found Activists Lament Porn's Move to Mainstream on my Compuserve home page logging off. I don't know if it's accessible to nonmembers. It's an Associated Press story by Dave Crary, datelined New York. For my particular interests, this struck me.
Somebody is getting excellent psychomarketing advice. It's sex! It's supposed to effect your brain. Something sure as hell will show up on fMRI. It doesn't matter what it is, it can then be turned into a national "War on Porn". The hits keep coming and coming.
Here's a free preview of future WoP campaign talking points. "...who say online porn is as addictive as crack cocaine.", "Internet porn is probably the biggest miseducation system we can devise in terms of sexuality, misuse of women." from an academic, female psychologist. "I compare it to your house burning down," said Laurie Hall, who divorced her husband after writing a book called "An Affair of the Mind", "Sometimes it's not a matter of free will," he said. "It's a matter of invasion."
But we all should be concerned. This is evangelical-types actually funding science! In my book, this is without a doubt a sign the end of the world is near.
[And what about the guy's last name?]
They'd be right about that, though I would argue that the majority of us are obsessed for all the right reasons -- eternal damnation certainly not being one of them.
"Your heart can be swayed, your mind can be changed, but your dick...is incredibly stubborn."
Well yes. Clinical studies which require placing subjects into the correct sexual orientation category do rely I what might be refered to as the "dick test" to place persons in the appropriate group.
An interesting recent study found that persons who self identified as bi-sexual responded to this test as did homosexuals. They did not respond to the opposite sex portions of the test. Do bi-sexuals actually exist or don't they? This has created quite an uproar, believe me.
There have also been "dick tests" that show that those who self-identify as being the most anti-gay in fact react stronger - in terms of sexual arousal - to images of gay sex than straight sex. Isn't irony great?
Speaking of such, This gave me a chuckle, so I posted it as Irony, thy name is (wo)man.
I wonder where he would have registered on our test?