Sandefur Replies to DaveScot

Sandefur took a short break from his travels to briefly reply to DaveScot's terminal cluelessness in a post titled "Why DaveScot Should Stop Playing Lawyer". I'll just quote the first paragraph:

DaveScot is an especially belligerent idiot who was happily adopted as a co-blogger by the credibility-free Intelligent Design proponent William Dembski. Normally, I ignore idiots. But DaveScot has lately dragged my name into a dispute with Ed Brayton--a dispute Brayton was happily and handily winning, as usual--and I thought perhaps I should explain just why DaveScot should stop talking about things he doesn't understand. (Which, of course, would render him silent.)

Dave attempted to argue that I should talk to Sandefur about juries; the truth is that Dave just needs to read more thoroughly and do a little research before opening his mouth. But then, if he did that, he'd lose all of his charm and ability to entertain us, wouldn't he?


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Dave just needs to read more thoroughly and do a little research before opening his mouth.

Something tells me it goes a bit deeper than that. Even with both you and Sandefur explaining it quite clearly, I look forward to Dave's next effort to dig the hole even deeper. He's chronically unable to keep his mouth shut, even when he hasn't the slightest clue what he's talking about.

So Dave predicted that Sandefur would agree with him, and he has since been proven wrong. How much do you want to bet that Dave is going to change his Hypothesis?

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