He's Baaaaaaack

Well, maybe. DaveScot left a comment at UD and Dembski replied:

DaveScot: Glad to see you again. You've done inestimable service for this blog, and your insights have been missed. I've upgraded the account under which you posted this comment to "Author" -- same as Sal. I want to see you posting here again.

So do we, Bill. So do we.

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It'll all end in tears again, for sure.

Davey-boy, we hardly knew ye!

Sometime soon, on some GOOD sitcom, some writer is going to introduce a DaveScot-based side characture (I mean, is there another human being [assumption] on the planet more of a caricature of bullying, arrogant stupidity?) and give him a catch-phrase that will sweep the nation "YOU'RE OUUTA HERE!!!"

I have to admit that DaveScot taught me something very important: A few weeks back I followed a link to Dembski's blog and began reading the comments. I don't recall the subject of the post, but I can't forget a comment that DS made: "Once you are saved you can't be unsaved." He was quite adamant about this point.

This explains it all. Why the defendants in Dover lied under oath. Why Ralph Reed took casino money. Why these folks can only be trusted to be deceitful. It doesn't matter what they do, they are saved -- and they can't be unsaved no matter how venal they are.

Since then I began reading John Dean's book "Conservatives Without Conscience" and Dean validates this revelation. As far as these folks are concerned, their ticket is punched and they are free to do anything they want as long as they can say they are serving a higher power.

I don't recall the subject of the post, but I can't forget a comment that DS made: "Once you are saved you can't be unsaved." He was quite adamant about this point.

Pretty funny considering that DaveScot claims to be an agnostic.

By FishyFred (not verified) on 19 Aug 2006 #permalink

In some circles just being baptised soon after birth qualifies as being saved. That'll certainly ease my mind should I ever find myself wiping out entire villages.

When I read that thread, I heard the author espouse ideals such as the effort other people make in composing their posts, and trying not to hide things, etc etc. Then I had to stop in the middle and pan down to see who the author was, and it was Salvador Corvoda. Have I ever said that the fact that the post author appears at the bottom of the posts is really annoying? You get a particular person's personality in your head, and the words don't fit. Like peacemaking and open discussion assumed to be Bill Dembski's. Notice how he continually praises DaveScot, his censorship protege.

Salvador's last sentence was interesting: It makes for a great show.
That's just what I was thinking before I went over there, that DaveScot reappearing is like that pirate captain appearing at the end of the second Pirates of the Carribean film. Theater. Street theater, even. so to hear Salvador say it makes for a great show is pretty accurate.