Appeasing the Terrorists, Religious Right Style

A whole bunch of religious right groups are pressing Bush to negotiate international treaties to outlaw obscenity, according to Agape Press. They're pushing a report from Bob Peters of Morality in Media. And you're gonna love one of the reasons for it:

Peters also noted in his communication that Muslim populations from across the world take great offense to infusion of pornography on the Internet. He cited a 2002 Gallup poll taken from surveys conducted in several Muslim-dominated countries (i.e., Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Pakistan and Turkey).

Gee, I didn't think we were supposed to "appease the terrorists", but what the hell - when their agenda fits yours, why not use them as an excuse. While we're at it, you know they really hate Jews too. Maybe we should get rid of them and we'll really reduce how much we offend them. And they hate it when we let women, ya know, think and speak too. Or we can tell both sets of religious nuts to get bent and preserve our freedom.


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Lock them up together, wait an hour and clean up the corpses...

By Roman Werpachowski (not verified) on 17 Jul 2006 #permalink

Oh, oh, and the queers! We can outlaw them, too!

"In a single year, one in four children between the ages of 10 and 17 is voluntarily or involuntarily exposed to pornography," says Peters."

I wonder how that breaks down. I know at least 50% of 15-17 year olds are voluntarily exposed to porn daily.

Keep in mind that Google keeps track of popular searches by country of origin. Want to guess which countries have the highest number of searches per capita involving pornography, especially gay porn? Yep, Saudi Arabia, followed closely by most of the other Muslim states.

I suppose it involves "research" into the vices of the decadent West.

America's religious right and Islamic fundies are but two sides of the same coin. The world would be immeasureably better off without both.

On a less serious note, consider that the reported motivation for many suicide bombers is the expectation of 73 (or some similar number) virgins in the hereafter. Perhaps the answer to suicide bombers is to bomb Muslim countries with millions of copies of Playboy, Hustler, and their more lurid kin every month. Persuade many potential bombers to realize gratification can be had in the here and now, before committing to the hereafter.

I wasn't aware that appeasing muslims was equivalent to appeasing terrorists. Wrong either way though.

They're probably pleading with Bush in language that we now know Bush understands (based the open mic incident in Russia): "George, we've got to stop this shit."

Not that unexpected, really. Over the past couple of years, the occasional right-wing blogger has come up with one of the reasons to oppose gay marriage being that legalising it would encourage terrorism against the US (I wish I had an example link handy, but I'm afraid I can only go by what I remember reading). The Agape Press story is more of the same, only it's not just targeted at the GLBT minority anymore.

In a single year, one in four children between the ages of 10 and 17 is voluntarily or involuntarily exposed to pornography," says Peters.

Aw. c'mon! Young people today have far better internet skills than that.

Come on, Reed. Conservatives don't want a free market. They want monopolies that make them rich at the expense of the serfs.

I'm puzzled. How is someone "involuntarily" exposed to pornography?

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion." Steven Weinberg