A Match Made in Summer School

(Ex-)Judge Roy Moore is joining the Worldnutdaily as a columnist. Is it bad that I'm positively giddy at the news?

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I was going to write you. I think we will have a lot of fun in the future with this. I'm working on a post right now.

That's not a match made in any summer school I ever attended.

With Patrick J. "Bats" Buchannan and Hal Lindsey, I guess Moore is in good company.

Priceless WND (not WMD) headlines for today:

Does Bush plan to produce Masonic messiah?

'Jeopardy!' champ Ken Jennings blasts Trebek
Calls game-show host 'cyborg' with parts harvested from Canadian schoolchildren

PS: Is there some way I can get your blog software to remember my handle, email address and URL so I won't have to type all that every time I post here?

Roy Moore knows how to use a computer? He knows how to read? That's a shocker.

It really helps discourse and understanding to label any view different than your own as "nut." I can read this stuff on right wing blogs.

I don't label any view different from my own as "nut". Most views that differ from mine are defensible and reasonable, even if wrong. But some are clearly just nutty to hold. And Roy Moore's position is, indeed, nutty.