Predictions from Kansas

Now that the primaries are over in Kansas and ID has been rejected even in its most sanitized "critical analysis" form, we can really only look forward to two inevitabilities:

1. The DI will put out a statement declaring it no big deal, even though they thought it was a big enough deal to pump an enormous amount of money into the campaign to put commercials on the air and take a dog and pony show in favor of the pro-ID standards and candidates all over the state.

2. Pat Robertson will declare that Kansas will be destroyed by a hurricane for throwing God out of the state - and never mind that this has nothing to do with God (wink, wink).

Anyone up for an office pool on the timing of these events?

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If Kansas is destroyed by a hurricane, even I, a dedicated disbeliever, will acknowledge that something supernatural is afoot.

Kansas School Board Primary Results:

Can you put up a link for the results? I can't find one and would like to know how the races came out statewide. RedStateRabble doesn't have one up either [I suspect he's sleeping off election day work]. Anyway, a link would be appreciated.

By Flatlander100 (not verified) on 02 Aug 2006 #permalink

Opps. Sorry. Just found your update to earlier post giving the results.

By flatlander100 (not verified) on 02 Aug 2006 #permalink

Ed: you're way behind the times - the DI put out a statement yesterday afternoon way before the polls closed: check out the top posting on their media complaints division:

This is my first time posting here, though I've been following the site for some time. Thanks for getting the word out, and my most sincere congratulations to Jack Krebs and all the other fine people at KCFS.

By Coleoptera (not verified) on 02 Aug 2006 #permalink

Ed: Tornado = KS and Midwest
Huricane = Coastland area
And I pick Pat Robinson and God's Wrath Pronouncement within the week.
Casey Luskin useless spluttering within 24 hours. Said spluttering to include "It does not reaaly matter"
"It was only a primary" "Connie Morris is dumb as dirt"

Well, Paul Nelson is already trivializing the importance of the Kansas elections:

Once upon a time, there were a whole bunch of people who thought that what really mattered in thinking hard about design and evolution were state science standards. And school board elections.

Along came a 15 year old kid who loved science, read a lot, thought for herself, and generally saw the adults around her as missing the point. "As if," she said to the cat sleeping at her feet.

Then she smiled and went back to her web browsing.

The End.

Hmm, I wonder if he would have posted the same thing if the results had been in ID's favour? I think a dog evolving into a cat is more likely...

All this talk on Kansas. Next year its going to be my state, Florida, thats going to be trying to push this crap. My human origins professor went off on a tangent and was talking about how the scientific standards were supposed to be changed either last year or this year, but since it was election year coming up (this year) they pushed it back to 07 which is probably due to their wanting to push the id standards.