Ron White on Robert Tilton

From a recent comedy special:

I was at home one night, sitting in a beanbag chair naked, eating cheetos. And I had the TV on and I was watching Robert Tilton, this evengelist from Texas. And he said, "Are you lonely right now?"

Yeah, I am.

"Have you wasted your life drinking in bars and nightclubs?"

Yep, sure have.

"Are you sitting in a beanbag chair naked, eating cheetos right now?"

Damn, this guy's good.

"Do you feel the desire to send me a thousand dollars right now?"

Whew. That was close. For a minute there, I thought he was talking about me.


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Ron White's about the only funny one in that whole "Blue Collar Comedy" crapola. "They Call Me Tater Salad" has some wonderful stuff in it.

By John Lynch (not verified) on 05 Aug 2006 #permalink

Yeah, I agree. He's clearly the funniest of that group, and it's not close.

I've never tried to do stand-up comedy, and so I have no idea how difficult it really must be to be funny without being silly. But I have to admit that the "blue collar" guys on Comedy Central are really quite good. Ron White is very good. Larry the Cable Guy, when you get into his schtick, is disgustingly funny. Jeff Foxworthy's "you must be a redneck if..." is hilarious as heck. Bill Engvall, too.

> Larry the Cable Guy, when you get into his schtick, is disgustingly funny.

No - its lowest-common denominator comedy.

> Jeff Foxworthy's "you must be a redneck if..." is hilarious as heck.

No - its about ten years too old.

> Bill Engvall, too.

No. Just no.

That about covers it :)

By John Lynch (not verified) on 06 Aug 2006 #permalink

I think Foxworthy is a better writer than people give him credit for. The redneck stuff is really old, and I'm sure he wishes he didn't have to do it anymore, but he's kind of trapped inside his own act. He's not nearly as good as his fans think he is, nor is he as bad as his critics claim. But he certainly isn't someone I would actually pay to see, just because every premise has been done before. Larry the Cable Guy has a good line here and there, but most of it is really simple and a lot of it is also stock material that others have done a hundred times. Engvall is a poor man's Foxworthy. Ron White clearly is the best of the bunch, the only one that really has his own voice and writes consistently good material.