Perhaps you thought the Poor Man Institute was making up the stereotype, but here it is made manifest: a man living in his parents' basement attacks father with a bag of Cheetos. One nice touch in the police report is that his shirt was covered with orange Cheeto dust.
What's missing? No word if the guy has a blog yet.
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Has his World of Warcraft account been suspended pending investigation??
(I actually play WoW, but don't conform to the stereotype as I have typically played from my own apartment AND don't like Cheetos)
"What's missing?"
Mountain dew.
I guess the father was...a-salted!
(rim shot)
"a man living in his parents' basement attacks father with a bag of Cheetos."
Its DaveScot!
Nah, he was probably a Slashdotter. Definitely sounds right for that.
oh man, uprising of the nerds. i think i have somewhere to be.
I thought you'd get a kick out of that, PZ. I vote for searching his fridge for Ding Dongs.
Who knew that Cheetos could be classified as a lethal weapon? ;)
Snack attack?
Actually, it was the recipient of the Cheeto-gram who was dusted in orange powder.
The sender of the Cheeto-gram was just dusted.
Another member of the 82nd Chairborne....
They arrested Jonah Goldberg? 'Bout time.