Robert O'Brien Trophy Winner: Jill Stanek

I haven't given out a Robert O'Brien Trophy in a while, but here's someone who really deserves one: Jill Stanek. The award is given for this breathtakingly idiotic column at the Worldnutdaily where she actually claims that legalizing the purchase of Plan B emergency contraception over the counter will lead to more pedophilia. Seriously. She said that. I swear. The title to the column is:

Babes in Thailand rapists needn't leave U.S.
Exclusive: Jill Stanek predicts Plan B customers will be men bedding underage girls

I'll give you a moment to pick your jaw up off the desk. Ready to continue? Okay. Here's how her screed begins:

So what if minor girls can't buy emergency contraceptives without a prescription?

Their rapists can.

Well yes, and they could also have bought non-emergency contraceptives too. Does that mean we should ban condoms and spermicidal foam because a rapist might buy them too?

The U.S. is not yet a child sex toy land like Thailand. But authorities and investigative journalists have recently warned that child porn and sex predation are on the rise here, particularly due to the Internet.

Actually, authorities, like the FBI and the DOJ, have been saying that sex predation has been going down here, for a long time, despite the internet. It gets a lot more media attention than it used to due to the explosion of cable news channels, but child sexual abuse has been going down steadily along with other violent crimes for quite some time now.

I'll let you read the rest, if you can stomach it. Congratulations, Jill. You've joined your boss, Joseph Farah, on the list of Robert O'Brien Trophy winners.

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Well yes, and they could also have bought non-emergency contraceptives too. Does that mean we should ban condoms and spermicidal foam because a rapist might buy them too?

Reduction to absurdity only works if the people you're arguing against don't believe in the absurdity. I have every confidence that Ms. Stanek and her ilk would answer "yes" to your question.

She quotes a newspaper:
"[Men] buy the pills for their girlfriends or wives ... so that they don't have to wear condoms and feel they're at no risk of becoming a father afterwards. Some women ... said that they didn't even know what they were taking; that the guy just said it was a health supplement."

It seems very unlikely that women in the US will find themselves taking a pill on a man's recommendation without knowing what it is. Jill should be sure to thank a feminist for that!

Jill Stanek is a retard who claims to be against all contraception, yet somehow doesn't have 10 kids with her husband. Regardless of what she says, don't tell me she's not using contraception. And don't try to tell me that "natural family planning" isn't contraception.

Stanek's contention about Plan B somehow being especially attractive to rapists -- a population known, of course, to be extremely conscientious when it comes to unwanted pregnancies, STIs, and family planning -- is not only inane but unoriginal; Focus on the Family's senior analyst for bioethics (a title scarcely different from "Aryan Brotherhood's cultural diversity czar") was already claiming the same thing within hours of the FDA decision.

Why the hell would "child sex predators" need contraception at all? She's bringing John Mark Karr into this, and how hold was JonBenet? I don't think she was about to get pregnant.

And all of these crazies who think women are just going to start taking Plan B like candy, don't they know you get pretty sick from it? You don't just take a pill and then not notice anything after.

Some people remind me of a sci-fi novel I read a lot of time ago. It was entitled "The test" (I think), and at the age of five all child were supposed to undergo an intelligence test.
Those who scored ABOVE a given limit were "discarded" .

It occurs to me that sexual predators can use candy to lure children. I say we outlaw candy in a hurry.

By Anonymous (not verified) on 31 Aug 2006 #permalink

This reminds me of the HPV vac. The christian right think that gettting cancer is a suitable punishment for those girls who have sex before they are married and also claim that it gives young women the go ahead to be loose. GRRRRR! These peopel frustrate the hell out of me! Their hate for women and ignorance has no ends.

By say no to christ (not verified) on 31 Aug 2006 #permalink

Jill Stanek is a retard who claims to be against all contraception, yet somehow doesn't have 10 kids with her husband. Regardless of what she says, don't tell me she's not using contraception. And don't try to tell me that "natural family planning" isn't contraception.

She strikes me as the type who may well just not have sex for anything besides pro-creation. And while "natural family planning" is birth control - not having sex is not.

Some people remind me of a sci-fi novel I read a lot of time ago. It was entitled "The test" (I think), and at the age of five all child were supposed to undergo an intelligence test.
Those who scored ABOVE a given limit were "discarded" .

It is probably not the story your thinking of, but Kurt Vonnegut has a short in Welcome to the Monkey House that describes a similar fenom. In it our society has gone to great lengths to achieve absolute equality - the exceptionaly strong carry heavy weights and those who are quite intelligent wear headphones that pump random noise into their ears to disrupt higher thinking. At the end a couple who cast off their "equalizers" are shot in the middle of an artistic dance.

Stanek makes various mistakes, logical and factual in her screed against ECs. She miscalculates cause and effect without any logical basis: Thailand has sexual predators, Thailand has ECs, therefore ECs lead to sexual predators. Riiiight.

She states that there are no long term studies of the drug, but this is false as there is a living study. European countries have been using ECs for years without noticable increases of certain cancers and side-effects. I suppose she believes Americans, granted grace by God, are different.