Dispatches in Snoop Speak

In the interests of expanding my audience and appealing to the hip hop generation, I have translated my blog into Snoop speak using the Gizoogle translator. The results are here.

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I hadn't planned on writing about this again today. (How many times have I started a post with that phrase? I forget, but a lot. Sadly, developments frequently make me change my plans about blogging.) Here's what made me change my plans It was a pair of Facebook posts on hip-hop and fashion mogul…
This is Melisa Riviere. White People sometimes do hip hop. I have a reading suggestion for you. First a little background. I've gotten into a few arguments on race and racism in my time, some on this blog. Racist thinking is all around us. Why just a few hours ago, a neighbor complained…
This is Melisa Riviere. White People sometimes do hip hop. I have a reading suggestion for you. First a little background. I've gotten into a few arguments on race and racism in my time, some on this blog. Racist thinking is all around us. Why just a few hours ago, a neighbor complained…
I have been meaning to update about this, but Presh at Mind Your Decisions blog discusses another example of Game Theory in the movie the Dark Knight. He talks about the first scene where the robbers are let us say vigorously arguing about the division of the spoils from a bank heist: The robbers…

Intrestin'. I ran a S-T-to-tha-izzop tha ACLU P-to-tha-izzost through thizzay processor, 'n' tha result was a coherent, well-thought-out, fair-minded essay. Fo' shizzle.

Hooray! I was hoping I would stumble across something like this after the Shizzolator went down.

I like "Rizzle Santorum".

I'll have to talk to PZ again about getting his pirate translator working.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 20 Sep 2006 #permalink

Tubi, I see your "Rizzle Santorum" and raise you a "Jizzle Chick".

This reminds me of the "jive" filter that was floating around Usenet in the mid-80's. Quite entertaining.

By Shawn Smith (not verified) on 20 Sep 2006 #permalink

Darn, my workplace has that URL blocked so I can't see the results. (SIGH)

By Mike Horn (not verified) on 20 Sep 2006 #permalink

"Ed Brayton is a freelance crazy ass nigga n businizzles. He is tha brotha of Michigan Citizens fo` Science nThe Panda's Thumb n has written fo` such publicizzles as The B-to-tha-izzard, Skeptic n Reports of tha National Shot Calla fo` Science Education . know what im sayin?."

I wonder what it'll look like after the translator?

By FishyFred (not verified) on 20 Sep 2006 #permalink

Fizzy speech rights!

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Any and all emails that I receive may be reprinted, in part or in full, on this blog with attribution. If this is not acceptable to you, do not send me e-mail - especially if you're going to end up being embarrassed when it's printed publicly for all to see.

E-mail Policy
Any n all emails thizzat I receive may be reprinted, in pizzart or in full, on this B-L-to-tha-izzog wit attribution with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back. If this is not acceptable ta you, do not send me e-mail - especially if you're going ta end up being embarrassed wizzy it's printed publicly fo` all ta see.

Where'd the hoes come from?

By ferfuracious (not verified) on 20 Sep 2006 #permalink