Anti-Gay Thugs Sentenced in San Diega

From SignOnSanDiego:

Three men who pleaded guilty to charges stemming from a series of brutal beatings after a gay pride festival were sentenced Monday to prison terms.

James Carroll, 24; Lyonn Tatum, 18; and Kenneth Lincoln, 24, pleaded guilty on Friday in San Diego Superior Court on the second day of their preliminary hearing during which they heard testimony from three victims.

Prosecutors said Carroll, Tatum and a boy assaulted six men with a baseball bat and a knife as the men were leaving the annual Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Pride Festival in Balboa Park on July 29.

Judge Frederick Maguire sentenced Carroll to 11 years in prison, Tatum to eight years and Lincoln to 32 months. They were immediately taken from courtroom after the sentencing.

There was a 4th thug who was only 15 years old and he's facing 13 years of confinement. All these sentences seem a little light to me given that they committed multiple counts of attempted murder, but at least they're going away.


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It's nice to see that they are going away at all. Too many times you see them get off with probation, by them claiming the gay panic defense. "Gee, judge he came up to me and asked me out one a date, and you know I just want crazy. You know how those fags are". It seems it always takes at least three straight guys to beat up a gay guy. Why is that?

They have some poetic justice coming their way if you get my drift. lol

Maybe they'll like it.

By Gene Goldring (not verified) on 27 Sep 2006 #permalink

It seems it always takes at least three straight guys to beat up a gay guy. Why is that?

Because you can't risk getting your hair mussed in an assault....

They have some poetic justice coming their way if you get my drift. lol

Maybe they'll like it.

Dark jests about prison rape, while emotionally satisfying in the short term, always bother me. For every inmate that you may think "deserves it," there are many victims who don't. That prison authorities in many locations turn a blind eye to the problem and some even use it as a tool of control is a national disgrace.