Merry Christmas, or I Punch Your Freakin Face, Man

In New York City, a group of Jews were beaten by Christians, as an expression of Christmas Holiday cheer. One of the assailants was previously convicted of anti-black hate crime.

Bill O'Reilly has some strong supporters in New York City....

A group of people exchanging holiday greetings on a subway last week hurled anti-Semitic slurs and beat four Jewish riders who had wished them "Happy Hanukkah," ...

The four Jewish riders were on a train in lower Manhattan during the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights when they were approached by a group of 10 people who offered holiday greetings.

When they wished the group "Happy Hanukkah," they were assaulted...Police caught up with the train one stop later in Brooklyn and arrested eight men and two women, ages 19 and 20 ... [who were then] arraigned Saturday on several charges, including third-degree assault and menacing and second-degree riot and harassment. They pleaded not guilty.

One of the men charged, Joseph Jirovec, 19, pleaded guilty last year to attempted robbery as a hate crime and was awaiting sentencing, prosecutors said.

Jirovec, who is white, was part of a group that yelled racial epithets and assaulted two black teenagers in Brooklyn, prosecutors said.

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