My New Troll

It seems I have a new troll. His name appears to be Brian Louks, judging by his email address of His first comment was objecting to me calling Pensacola Christian College and Kent Hovind a bunch of loonies. After that, he just took to writing multiple comments saying "try weight watchers" and "go on a diet". Brilliant stuff, really. Anyway, I thought you'd all like to meet him. Here's his yahoo profile.

Update: The troll can email too. He just sent the following bit of nonsense:

You can spout off false statements on your blog and delete one that you dont agree that free speech...You would make a good dictator. You have no idea what you are talking about with the PCC crack. Its was cheap, shameless shot. Nice that you have to delete anything that goes against a cheap shot.

And my reply:

You're an amusing little troll, apparently too stupid to recognize the difference between deleting posts I disagree with (something I've not done) and deleting posts that are nothing but superfluous, juvenile and irrelevant insults. The first comment you left at least attempted to make an actual point, idiotic though it was. I did not delete that post, I merely responded to it. That's when you decided to drop half a dozen completely substanceless posts whose main point was something along the lines of "you're a big poopyhead." No, you're right, you can take that kind of stupidity somewhere else.

The funny thing is that in the process of objecting to my description of PCC types as loonies, he's only provided more evidence for that conclusion.

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Ah, Robert O'Brien is mad as hell and he's not gonna take it anymore. My pet troll, as PZ has dubbed him, has started his own blog, from where he will no doubt launch unintentionally amusing attacks on me. Here's my favorite part of his post addressed to me. After pasting the text of his initial…

He seems like a slim, healthy fellow. And a lover of the outdoors! Probably likes long walks by the beach...

Tell us more about yourself, Brian! Especially why you think Hovind and friends are not total loonies...

Wow...and I figured a 3rd grader...4th tops.

Then again, I might still be correct.

Looks and profile aside, the fact he doesn't consider Hovind a loony says everything you need to know.

His retorts we classic too. Well though out stuff there Brian.

*gives Brian the double thumbs up with a wink

Maybe its that he was "educated" at Pensacola Christian College?

Well, we've all encountered the sorts for whom "discourse" and "debate" consist almost entirely of personal insult. They never say anything worthwhile.

Of course, I'm not saying we shouldn't call a loon a loon...

By gary l. day (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

Hey Brian! Quit hiding in the bushes. Step up to the plate. Convince us that Hovind is not a total nutjob!
By the way, please do it without quoting scripture.

And Brian? It's very tacky, impolite and I would even say Un-Christian-like to spam people just because they don't happen to agree with you.


Way to be intolerant(unAmerican) and unloving(unChristian) of your fellow man. Truly a believer in his faith. Keep up the good work.

Yeesh! I've changed diapers with stuff in more attractive than that! ;D

Now that is truly the punchline to the joke. The guy who goes around leaving comments on other people's blogs about the way they look takes their picture down when others get to see it. Very amusing.

I was siding with you, Ed, right up to the point where I read on Brian's (freshly updated) profile that you delete posts you don't like. You delete comments on your own blog that insult your appearance and contribute nothing to the discussion?! For shame! That's it, I can no longer read a blog that's written by such a friggin' Nazi.

I've actually sold stuff to PCC -- their money's green too, and big ticket is where you find it. (Back in the day Saddam may have been a client. My company's wasn't too picky where the cash comes from.)

People would be surprised that PCC is actually quite a large operation but the whole Pensacola area is a bunch of hardcore Republicans so their nuttiness isn't that far out. They don't stand out that much.

The guy who goes around leaving comments on other people's blogs about the way they look takes their picture down when others get to see it. Very amusing.

Yeah, you should read the Wikipedia entry on the PCC to see where the free speech standards come from. There's some good stuff there.

They also publish anti-evolution science books for home schooling among other books under the ABEKA name.

By double-soup tuesday (not verified) on 02 Nov 2006 #permalink

Yes, the A Beka books are absolutely horrible. Them and Bob Jones U press publish the most atrocious drek imaginable for the bottom of the barrel Christian schools and homeschoolers.

Bastard. Now I'm going to have to post with an initial or something.

<-not that Brian...

He's altered his Yahoo profile to be a "rebuttal" to you, Mr. Brayton.

I think he think's he's very clever by doing so.

Har. This text appears on his profile (at the moment):

MY POINT........"This defense is going to fail, as it should." Quote from Ed Brayton's article Hovlind Trial. This is where you needed to stop Mr. Brayton. The following paragraph was shameless, totally unbased, and extremely biased; it completely destroys your credibility as a writer. You need to leave personal views out of your article. I mean, I could look at your picture and say you need to go on a diet. But its not needed. See what I mean.

Yeah, Ed. You should stop being "extremely biased" on your personal blog. It's almost as if you're so biased you'll just automatically agree with yourself no matter what you say. That's just sad. Personal views have no place on a blog where you're the sole author... representing yourself. That's selfish. ;-)

Wow. He's arguing with you through his Yahoo profile. This has gone to a transcendent level of awesome.

On his profile, under "Occupation":
"Got your attention at least!! haha "

And that's all he wanted, probably. Poor, lonely kid.

Pensacola Christian College is not accredited by any recognised accreditation body. As such, its degrees may not be acceptable to employers or other institutions, and use of degree titles may be restricted or illegal in some jurisdictions.

um humm

Shelly!!!! How can you say that after admiring Picard????

Oh I was just picking out that guy's obvious "flaw" and picking on him. Picard is a hot, hot man and only the hotter for his baldacity. Our friend the troll, however....well, let's just say he's not as blessed. In more ways than one.

"You can spout off false statements on your blog and delete one that you dont agree that free speech...You would make a good dictator. You have no idea what you are talking about with the PCC crack. Its was cheap, shameless shot. Nice that you have to delete anything that goes against a cheap shot."

Note to jerkoff: There is no such thing as free speech on private property. Get used to it.

I still say he's a bastard. Brians have such a good track record so far, why'd he have to ruin it?

Yep, my pet troll is cute and cuddly compared to Orac's. That guy is an obnoxious ass.

PZ had a troll named Yamil from PCC.

He was convinced that public secualr colleges were... let me see if I can remember....

"Full of godless STD infested whores." I'm paraphrasing.

He was scary and somewhat sad.

Ah, good old Yamil. Simultaneously praising the higher education a private, Christian college like PCC gives compared to secular colleges while unable to make any argument that didn't involve calling some a whore, monkey, idiot, or any combination thereof.

Admit it, Ed, you dream of having a troll like Orac's. Wait, you banned Fafarman....