Indon animal health director takes the bullet

Indonesia has sacked its animal health official in charge of bird flu (BBC). The Government of Indonesia has said his departure was a result of a routine rotation of personnel. Right. And George Bush is really one of the Andrew Sisters.

This is clearly a lie and is stupid on two counts. The first is that no one with more than two neurons would believe it. The second, because if it were true it would be even stupider. Why would you take an experienced and competent person and routinely rotate them out of their job?

At any rate, we know Sjamsul Bahri's departure is not likely to make that much difference. Agriculture Minister Anton Apriyantono may be looking for a scapegoat and in any event, he is the responsible official. The lack of effectiveness is so blatant that it clearly goes beyond the incompetence of a single person. There is a global incompetence of the Indonesian government coupled with structural problems, lack of money and widespread corruption at work here.

Not uncommon these days. But unfortunately it's the wrong time and the wrong place.


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Maybe he's just leaving to spend more time with his family? ;)

Maybe he's just leaving to spend more time with his family? ;)

You're completely right. I wish you would have said this 6 months ago. It was apparent then. It's infrastructural and cultural to Indonesia. Even when firing this person, the culture does not permit such a rude act; they were changed out during routine rotation. I saw it first hand there. A right hand guy was removed from his senior position and there was never a mean word stated. Even afterwards, to save face, that guy?..he not only didn't complain, he volunteered to help with the transition and continued to laud and approve the action. The West is twisted; the East is in separate world unto its own.

Still, nothing will happen now or in the future. This is a head man society. It requires an order from the top, down. Then action will take place. As the Chinese say, the nail that sticks up gets hit.

By GaudiaRay (not verified) on 14 Jul 2006 #permalink

Ah, so, it wasn't a promotion after all?!
One might think that now that the plague has started spreading also in other animals than birds (like livestock),the Indon government could benefit from the expertice of someone who already has experience of the international level co-operation - like mr Sjamsul Bahri has.

The bird plague is out of fashion. Now the hot stuff is birds&beasts plague. Don't they need someone experienced to manage the livestock plague communication?

Livestock officials told to keep their mouths shut
penumbra-of-pandemia. blogspot. com