Tripoli 6 trial ends

The Tripoli 6 trial has ended without hearing the scientific evidence that could have exonerated the defendants, five Bulagarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor accused of intentionally infecting over 426 children with HIV in a hospital in Benghazi, Libya. The verdict on the case will be announced on December 19. These six unfortunate souls have now spent almost seven years in a Libyan prison, subjected to torture and now (again) an expected guilty verdict and sentence of death by firing squad. They are scapegoats for a failed Libyan health care system whose hygienic failings led to contaminated blood products, needles and instruments that infected the children with HIV and other pathogens, like hepatitis C. Independent scientific investigations by some of the world's most prominent HIV scientists have shown the infections most likely occurred even before the defendants reached Libya in 1998.

At the conclusion of the trial the legal defense team issued a public statement. It reveals that part of the Libyan strategy is to extort money for the freedom of these health workers:

With respect to the latter, Libyan authorities have demanded that the international community pays $US10 million to each of the more than 400 people infected, and provide them with free treatment for life in European hospitals ? a sum equivalent to the compensation Libya had to pay the 270 victims of its the bombing of an airliner over Lockerbie in Scotland in 1998. It has also demanded the release of one of the terrorists involved, currently in prison in Britain.

On 23 December 2005, a compensation fund was established by several countries, including the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, as well as the European Union (EU). The EU has also taken forward a programme to treat those infected at the Bengazi hospital.

And recently, Libya has sent all the infected children to be treated in European hospitals. But the creation of this fund, a welcome humanitarian step to help the infected children, must not be allowed to mask the responsibility of the Libyan authorities for the negligence that led to infection of the children, much less imply any guilt on the part of the accused.

Welcome as this international generosity is, ultimately compensation for those infected is the responsibility of the Libyan authorities who failed to ensure safe healthcare for their citizens.

We refuse that the fate of the six medical workers should depend on payment of a ransom.


Keeping to strictly legal grounds, we note that the Libyan Supreme Court in its judgement of 25 December 2005, ruled that the rights of the defendants had been violated during the 2004 trial in the Benghazi Criminal Court.

However, not only have these violations not been discussed, in the legal sense, during the current retrial, but the demands of the defence to be allowed the means to establish the truth have been denied. In particular, our demand for international scientific evidence to be heard by the Court has been rejected.

Instead, in August the Court heard 5 Libyan doctors, who testified that they stood by their 2003 report refuting these conclusions of international AIDS experts. Top international scientists who have reviewed the Libyan expert's 2003 report, however, conclude it contains no evidence, and is of such poor quality as to be inadmissible as evidence in any modern judicial system.

The question of torture suffered by the six has not been discussed, in the legal sense, been during the current retrial, despite the wealth of material evidence demonstrating that this took place -- nor has the illicit detention of the defendants for several months at a secret location, nor the question of the duration of detention pending trial has similarly not been discussed, despite their having been imprisoned for more than 7 years.

The legal defense team concludes the trial was neither fair nor impartial, failing to adhere to international legal standards and excluding crucial scientific evidence of the defendants' innocence.

The legal team also deplored the timidity of Western political leaders and senior officials of internaitonal organizations to speak out. The United States has gone on record publicly as deploring the case, but there is much suspicion they have not pressured Colonel Gaddafi privately. Libyan oil is now again in play and both the US and the EU have a stake in it. Moreover, the moral standing of the US and the UK to decry torture and violations of international law is weak when they themselves retain the right to decide what is torture and have flagrantly violated international law.

The pushback from the international scientific community, its official professional organizations, individual scientists individually and collectively, prestigious scientific journals, like Nature, and the ramified network of websites known as the blogosphere has been impressive. Science bloggers, in particular, have been one of the key elements bringing this case to a wider and vastly different audience than the conventional print and broadcast media or the usual diplomatic channels.

Whatever the outcome -- and at the moment the picture looks dark -- Libya, Libyan science and the Libyan judicial system are among the damaged. If this case ends badly, as many fear, it will not be soon forgotten. Among the consequences we can expect the international scientific community to regard Libya with suspicion and distrust.

On the other hand, if the appropriate national authorities in Libya review the situation fairly and impartially we can hope for something better for all parties.

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"Moreover, the moral standing of the US and the UK to decry torture and violations of international law is weak when they themselves retain the right to decide what is torture and have flagrantly violated international law."

A sad yet tangible truth demonstrating what happens when we slide down that slippery slope.

If you or Declan Butler think that anything more can be done by the blogging community in the interim, do not hesitate to put out the call.

I am a Registered Nurse in Okc, OK. I have been following this story from the beginning and feel absolutely sick from the indifference and lethargy shown by the international community and the safeguard organizations. I wrote over and over to AI and HRO and never once received any answer not even the canned auto reply. What sickens me more than having GW as the "elected prsident" of my country is that he is sliding into the pocket of Libya for the price of the oil. He is a snake of an individual and so is Muammar Khadaffi. Now these poor souls are up for auction--only no one is bidding. I have been blogging to my network community and will continue to do so but will gladly take it to my other online blogs by changing the entire focus of them in order to protest this universally disgusting tryst among the USA, Great Britain, Israel, Iran,Saudi Arabia, and Libya. What great bedfellows. They have secured oil for their furnaces over the graves of 6 healthcare workers who only wanted to practice their professions and care for the underpriviledged.
Please let me know how I can continue in my support for these colleagues.
mary g

By Mary Gawlas (not verified) on 10 Dec 2006 #permalink

MaryG: I wish I knew what to tell you except that you are doing the only thing you can do: what you can. I know it is very discouraging but we have to keep doing what we have been doing for as long as we are able. The word has been spread very widely, thanks to you and many people like you, and that can only have a good effect if it has any effect at all. It is very hard to know what is going on behind the scenes, but I have no reason to believe it is bearing any fruit at this point. We should know soon. A reader in France has told me that TV there is saying the judge has already decided a guilty verdict and that at this point it is up to Kaddafi, which we all knew. You and we are still links in the chain.