Freethinker Sunday Sermonette: the Miracle in the drywall

Mirabile dictu. This is not the place you usually read about miracles, but I have to say this one is pretty convincing. To me, anyway. These two guys were working on drywall down in Florida and suddenly this image appeared to them. They've been doing this for 30 years and never seen anything like it, and frankly neither have I (of course I've never worked on drywall). The fact that they misidentified it as Jesus notwithstanding, it is quite obvious it is the face of Charles Darwin:


Here's the clip from the Florida TV station (where else?) so you can see for yourself:

There are just some things that can't be explained.

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"For a drywall finishing this was a pretty exciting day"

I LOLed so much.

So *that's* why all those kids died of cancer. Jesus was too busy appearing in the drywall to help them.

Got it.

If these two guys had been citizens of the Soviet Union, back in the day, they'd have been looking at Karl Marx.

It's Bodhidarma! He's returned from the West!

Looks more like Albert Einstein to me.

Occasionally, like in the coming week, I do work with drywall and I slap that mud on, too. Actually it's really the mud, or wet gypsum powder, that is responsible for the face on the wall. And drywall mud is only one of many materials that are essentially "wet dust."

You take a dry mix, add water (or suitable solvent, also called "vehicle") and mix it up to form a substance that you will pour, trowel, spray or otherwise apply to some surface. The behavior of the mud, of the tool employed, the surface being treated, physics, fluid dynamics and even the mood of the worker all influence the way the mud behaves. Specifically, what it covers and what it doesn't.

Therefore the appearance of images, including human faces, is something that is bound to occur and does so frequently. But people working hard to get the mud work out of the way and get cleaned up and prepare for the next phase of the job are frequently just too busy too notice. But I try not to hurry too much and am therefore a bit more observant than others.

Why, two weeks ago I mudded and taped a repair to a garage wall and while I was cleaning my knife I saw the Titanic being overcome by Godzilla! There was also a Japanese F-86 flying over the carnage. The next day I knocked it down and put on a final coat of mud that showed a beautiful aerial view of the Lower Amazon Basin complete with several main tributaries and recently constructed roads. This was later painted over by one of the guys I work with.

It boggles the mind to think of all those millions of messages from Dog that lie just out of sight, behind a couple millimeters of wall paint. Oh, dear!

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

It's Charles Manson, ca. 1972

Nah, its Eden Poe.

By Robert Jase (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

I meant Edgar Allen Poe.

Damned over sensitive keyboard.

By Robert Jase (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink

Looks like Olde Saint Nick to me. Then again, a lot of people seem to think that their deity is pretty Santa-like, perhaps with the addition of hellfire for folks they don't like.

I agree with the Charlie Manson he screws up the voting machines in Florida yet again.........

By Grace Colasurdo (not verified) on 28 Sep 2008 #permalink